1. New in Warmane :)

    Hi! I want to play on this server :) I have a few questions:

    1: How about bugs? Is this a big problem? How many quests working (in %)?
    2: How about talents, skills, etc.? All works good, or some of them are bad scripted or unable to use?
    3: Which expansion is better in Your opinion, Cata or MoP? I played on Wotlk and TBC, cata and mop is a fresh bread for me.
    4: Which realm is less bugged? Neltharion of Frostwolf?
    5: And the last question: How about Neltharion and Frostwolf drop, exp and gold rates?

    Thanks! :)

    P.S.: Oh, i forgot. Which site have more players, Horde, or Alliance? I played earlier on another server, both have a lot of players, but in Horde most players are "brainless" ;/ So, better to ask :D
    Edited: June 16, 2015

  2. 1. Most quests work, idk percentages.
    2. They all work, there is an Ench T13 set bug that stays even if you switch back to pvp gear. Cata rogues are bugged, they hit way too hard and is a major problem. (30k no'kaled crits together)
    3. Only played Cata, but I like it a lot, i've been playing it here for about 4 years
    4. Frostwolf more bugs because mop was released more recently than cata.
    5. Neltharion drop rates/gold/ are normal as retail. Exp is 7x

    I basically only told you Cata because that's all that I play. Donor gear is a big part of most classes if you play PvP, and you will notice. Bone-link was removed from rogues from marketplace, but they can still raid for it. But most rogues have about 5+ pve items in PvP.

    Cata though I like the community here, toxic and nice, because everyone know's each other. 9/10 realm, the donor gear is just out of control though.

    You can check how many horde/alliance players on each realm on the Information tab above.

    p.s. Ench shaman's lava lash is bugged, it ignores resilience completely and can crit 80k on full pvp players
    Edited: June 17, 2015

  3. Donor gear? This is a gear bought from item shop for cash, right? Players who buy these items from shop owns game, or "free to play" gamer can play nice too?

    These bugs is looking very bad... it's completely unable to play on various situations or these bugs is only a little problem which doesn't inlfuence on gameplay?

  4. Look man, there are usually around 15000 players online on warmane. They would not be here if it was a bugged ****hole.

    Yes, there are bugs. No, that does not make it unplayable. This is perhaps the single best WoW server out there. Also, one of the few that does not quit after a few weeks or months. You actually got the build up something here.

  5. They would not be here if it was a bugged ****hole.
    People play here, because the population is big, not necessarily because molten is the least bugged server out there ;p It's like a... "snowball effect", Kaer explained that on one the live streams.
    You actually got the build up something here.
    Mhm, there were only 2 databaase wipes this year ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    But yeah, for Cata you won't find a better server and MoP is a bugged mess everywhere. The P2W is kinda insane tho, especially after the moltdown.
    BTW, WoW died with the Lich King anyway.

    Most people on private servers are brainless, find a good guild with a website and an application process, then only play with them. There's no other way, if you want to avoid frustration xD
    Edited: June 17, 2015

  6. Mhm, there were only 2 databaase wipes this year ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    That wasnt ˝wipes˝ technical, because database still exist, database was hijacked :P

    And yes population is big advantage, in peak hour mop have almost 5k people, but as guys before said it is very bugged.

  7. And about the "Pay-to-win" aspect I have to say that there is no such thing on Warmane. The only benefit from donating is that you get stuff faster. Everything you can get from the marketplace you can get by playing, the only exception being MoP which is a "work-in-progress" meaning that some bosses aren't there yet but the gear is on the web.

  8. it is very bugged.
    But what kind of bugs MoP have? Talent, skills, character, instance, drop bugs which makes MoP very frustrating, or texture, single quests bugs which doesn't matter at all?

  9. And about the "Pay-to-win" aspect I have to say that there is no such thing on Warmane. The only benefit from donating is that you get stuff faster. Everything you can get from the marketplace you can get by playing, the only exception being MoP which is a "work-in-progress" meaning that some bosses aren't there yet but the gear is on the web.
    i can see this being the business model they keep in place to get people to keep buying though, kind of like the SM quest on wotlk.

  10. Yes no pay-to-win at all, when new season start some1 have full set in 5 min some1 in almost 2 months it is same and if you add some pve trinkets that work same in pve and pvp it is not pay-to-win :)

  11. So this server is also P2W? I saw an item shop on Warmane website, it have weapons etc. So players who want to play for free, who don't buy stuff from shop for coins, are worse? :\

  12. So this server is also P2W? I saw an item shop on Warmane website, it have weapons etc. So players who want to play for free, who don't buy stuff from shop for coins, are worse? :\
    Depends on how you define P2W.. You will atleast on cataclysm be able to get the same items ingame as you can on the shop.

    So the only difference is how much effort do you wanna put in to get the items..

    So I define it as Pay2GetStuffFaster.. :)

    You are not winning anything if you pay except time.

    Exceptions could be shadowmourne on Wrath or the legendary dagger pre tier on cata.

  13. Mhm. I understand. Please, answer to my last question :)

    But what kind of bugs MoP have? Talent, skills, character, instance, drop bugs which makes MoP very frustrating, or texture, single quests bugs which doesn't matter at all?

  14. nah rogues doing 100k damage in their openers is pay to win

  15. nah rogues doing 100k damage in their openers is pay to win
    Very easy to do without paying a dime.

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