1. Raid attuenement?

    Greetings everyone,

    Although the reintroduction of RDF was a wonderful idea, I have noticed that ever since the release of ICC on Lordaeron, 90% of the raids are for ICC only , with the exception of the occasional VOA and TOC. What I would like to suggest is for raid attunement to be introduced, that is, for instance, if you want to do ICC you have to have completed TOC first, for which you have to have completed Ulduar up to Keepers at least, and so on, you get the point. I think such a content by content progression will allow people to experience a bigger portion of the late game content, thereby revitalizing PVE, and will likely bring more players to the realm. Such a change would also have to somehow incorporate the 3 Icecrown heroics (FOS, POS, HOR) as the gear that drops there is better compared to many of the pre-ICC raids.

    Thank you for your time!

  2. Again this totalitarian crap.

    I will do whatever raid I want, thanks.

  3. if people wanted to experience the older raids they'd do them of their own free will. forcing people to play them just because you want more players to raid with is stupid.

  4. A much easier way to have done this would have been to have kept Emblems of Heroism to be obtainable from 5 mans, Emblems of Valor from Naxx, Conquest from Ulduar, Triumph from TotC, and Frosts just from ICC (Axe the weekly quests and RDF daily).

    Unfortunately it is too late now to change anything. If you are looking for a tiered pve progression I would recommend the TBC realm.
    ...well at least until Sunwell comes out with its BT ilvl gear from justice badges...
    Edited: February 7, 2018

  5. Or join progression guild on icecrown, they got thread on forum somewhere

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