1. AT MoP Server?

    Hello friends.
    I'm one of the people coming from AT, and I was wondering if there are any plans to release a MoP PvP Realm like there was back in AT-Days?
    And if yes, will it be AT-Core or the one from Molten?
    I wasn't able to read through all the news, since I got pretty busy lately, so I'd be thankful for any helpful answer.

    Don't start a discussion about how bad & imbalanced MoP PvP was, please.


  2. Im not sure about this but as far i know there won't be a pure pvp MOP realm.I could be wrong though as i said im not sure,right now MOP's state is kinda desperate its loosing players at an alarming rate so opening a pure pvp realm for mop will take away more players from frostwolf and sargeras,Making their condition worse.

  3. At the moment there are no current plans for a MoP tournament realm, And if there was it would run on the molten core as they have already been cleaning there cores up to add cluster load balance Moltens way of making realms connect to one another for things like bg's and instances though currently CLB development is on hold.

  4. not sure if this is a joke or not ..
    considering that both wotlk and cata pvp servers have 500 and 300 players all they long .. you want another waste of resources to host another server for a handful of players ? like 300 ?
    i already consider the above 2 servers a waste ... comparing to other servers which have 3-4.000 players online
    after all it's molten's money .. if they want to throw it around .. why not ..

  5. Well I can think less people would be in Sageras and Frostwolf however some people would join Molten because of a pure pvp realm on MoP.

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