1. just passing through since i did overwrite my wrath wow by accident with mists lollll , how is everyone, kayobad zexnoob,berserke fatty and if shini still around reading these things he is a *** :)
    How dare you overwrite your WoW...

  2. i did it by accident ricks lol im sowwy i didnt know till it was done

  3. just passing through since i did overwrite my wrath wow by accident with mists lollll , how is everyone, kayobad zexnoob,berserke fatty and if shini still around reading these things he is a *** :) i may not be killing lich king with you all anymore but i am soloing him for us on mists!!!! ret paly vs the lich king still no mount! fuuu
    Im still reading it yes,and I heard u went retail yes. But what these "***" mean? 3 hidden letters,must be MVP

  4. just passing through since i did overwrite my wrath wow by accident with mists lollll , how is everyone, kayobad zexnoob,berserke fatty and if shini still around reading these things he is a *** :) i may not be killing lich king with you all anymore but i am soloing him for us on mists!!!! Ret paly vs the lich king still no mount! Fuuu

  5. NIALA pls, all purpose, no love, retail hero?!!!!? Pls shoooooo

  6. Kayo asked me to bump this cause of views,think he wants to catch Diffraction idk.

  7. kayo asked me to bump this cause of views,think he wants to catch diffraction idk.
    amg much lies qoslfowpdngbaha

  8. bump 4 kill difracsion

    fuk dem
    such fracsion in yo faes

  9. pls kill difrekcztionzs thread, all banish, all fade away, all lost in time, pls

  10. wat pliz no u wish pliz much dkp such mace

  11. Hello ALL, we are BACK and LoD is a kill! GUYS Check out my NEW ui, at least you can see where the boss is! Recruitment is still up, and as you can see we're progressing our way back to the old times.

    Light of Dawn # 15


    Invincible's Reins - Saashi
    Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony - Zaynmalikx
    Royal Scepter of Terenas II - Bawlsack


    Conflate - Protection Paladin (KAYOTICA BEST ASIAN TANK WERLD)
    Frostzy - Blood Death Knight


    Lootacris - Fury Warrior
    Liights - Retribution Paladin
    Bexxx - Retribution Paladin
    Fales - Frost Death Knight
    Prowl - Feral Druid


    Bluearrow - Marksmanship Hunter
    Vrabche - Marksmanship Hunter
    Westorious - Marksmanship Hunter
    Ferlain - Marksmanship Hunter <3 Thanks
    Nurperi - Marksmanship Hunter
    Oxidez - Shadow Priest
    Fajd - Shadow Priest
    Ailuj - Elemental Shaman
    Cassiie - Balance Druid
    Snowzj - Balance Druid
    Velennah - Frostfire Mage
    Miaka - Frostfire Mage
    Saashi - Demonology Warlock


    Foofart - Restoration Shaman
    Bawlsack - Restoration Shaman
    Incantwo - Discipline Priest
    Mxlpxl - Restoration Druid
    Zaynmalix - Holy Paladin

  12. You owe me 23 coins now Tim.

    Edit: Your UI is still dog****.

  13. You owe me 23 coins now Tim.

    Edit: Your UI is still dog****.
    YOUR Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace, who is best tank?? ME ME ME MEM EM ME MEM EM EME

  14. Wow you did LoD with 3 pugs? Pro guild meng.
    Nice UI btw kayo, now you can actually see something.

    Edit: http://puu.sh/6x7Qv.jpg it's good you know whats happening

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