1. [H] <Shattered Oath>: Recruitment PVP Guild

    What is Shattered Oath?
    Shattered Oath is primarily a PVP guild. We will take great pride in defending our cities and initiating offenses into Alliance territory. We also will be extremely active in BGs, making premades with other guildies to maximize honor gain. Not only will we do WPvP and BGs, but the guild will also be a social hotspot where you can hopefully meet your arena partner when arenas are released in WOTLK.

    Currently, we’re looking for a combination of three traits, their importance ranging in this order: Personality, Skill, and Gear. We seek team players, who are mature and respectful not just to guildies but also to the community of Warmane as well. World PvP will never be forced, but we like recruits who have a genuine interest in our guild goals and guild interests. PvP Experience is a definite plus for any recruit, but is not something we are completely requiring, as there are many players who would be happy to take you under their wing.

    How to Join

    Whisper or Mail an officer (Melodicmike, Bullshot, Wewlad, Nehalennia, Hoppskunk, Queliena) or myself (Esqueleto). You will be asked a series of questions (basically a short interview) and then either be accepted or rejected. The preferred method of joining is via our website, Shatteredoath.ga This, however, is not mandatory, and you can simply whisper an officer if you feel uncomfortable using it.

    Why Join?
    • Together we will strive to be the most hated guild by Alliance!
    • Promotions are done on a merit basis, not how long you’re in the guild or how much I like you.
    • You are the front line of Horde defense/offense. Where there will be battle, we will be there.
    • Together we will make Horde great again!

  2. Sickest guild on Warmane. But what ever you do.... Don't tell Wewlad.

  3. Seriously fun social setting, honestly a great experience since my Retail days, even if you just wanna have a group to talk with.

  4. I played few bgs with premade of this guild (Quelienna, Melodic, Velira, Tankian). They fing rock. And they are nice, weird nice.

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