1. Call to Arms does not match the Calendar

    As you can understand from the title,the weekly holiday event,Call to Arms,is not respecting the schedule and neither its length.
    This issues might not affect everyone,but I ask you to think about the fact that Lordaeron is the finest WotLK realm available and it deserves utmost attention.

    On the one hand,the current Call to Arms period is not the correct one,as it starts Friday around 10:00 realm time and it ends before 10:00 on Monday,instead of Friday at 00:00 and continuing until Monday at 23:59,this is how it has to work and how it used to before Call to Arms was customized months ago.

    Here is the official note:

    On the other hand, Call to Arms does not match the calendar and this was caused by the removal of Isle of Conquest,a battleground that was added in 3.2.0,but since that content has been already added,it seems logical to adjust Call to Arms,so it would match the schedule.

    For example, the last Call to Arms was 1 day shorter and instead of Isle of Conquest,the players were called to fight in the Strand of the Ancients.

    These issues should not be here,especially now,after the release of the 3.2.0 and 3.2.2 content.
    Edited: September 28, 2016

  2. Right now there is NO Call to Arms at all,nothing,they simply removed it. No Call to Arms,no vendor for epic gems,nothing they just screw the PvP.

  3. Its more important now to force blizzlike things on non blizzlike servers

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