1. Symbiotics

    HELLO everyone, A new guild from Alliance called "Symbiotics" is looking for players that are actually interestet in high PvE gaming, we are getting ready for new data and more working bosses. What we can offer? For now not much except experienced officers and Guild master <Who is playing wow over 10years already> but also we have a lot of experience about how to make guild and we knows ppl as well. But lets answer the most important questions that everyone would ask:

    - We are English Language Guild <We are all from different nationalites but we are trying our best to communicate>
    - We are looking for every players that just want to prove that he can actually play, we dont care about GS but u need at least 5.5 well combined items we want to start raiding HC as soon as its possible and thats all u need to do it with 30% buff.
    - We will use DKP system to delete loot problems or unfair chooses.
    - We will prolly raid as much as we can (cuz we are nolifes) BUT all we need from players is to be able just 3 times per week (maybe we will add one more raid day if needed) for now its Sunday, Thursday and Tuesday at 5pm of ServerTime till 8pm of ST with 10-15min break in the middle of raid ofc.
    - Each One of us spent a thousands of hours in this game and we came her just for one thing to became a best PvE Guild at this server, we know how to do it all we need is YOU and some others ppl that will raid with us at best level.
    - We also care about not only raids but we want to create a community of friends that will have fun and might always find someone to talk to in case of being bored. We are not looking for Ragers, flamers or ppl who cares only about their GearScore Number. We want Players but humans as well in the same time.

    CONTACT US: http://www.symbio.shivtr.com/
    or u can find us ingame with nicknames Scheja and Luks
    or u can send a mail to me [email protected]

    Our way to invite might seems a quite strange to most of players, but we want to know everyone who we will have in our team, even if u dont have a tons of experience but u are ready to learn feel free to contact us, we dont want to make another "raiding guild" we belive that good social and time beetwen raids is almost as important at Raids.

    So once more: All requirements are just 5.5k Gear Score, time to raid and also few minutes to talk with us at voice communicator like RC, Ts or Skype <We prefer teamspeak 3 for raids and if u never used it before we will help dont be afraid>

    But dont get me wrong: on raids i DEMAND 100% obedience and focus, After all raid is raid.

    Btw sorry for mistakes in this post, its 2am and im tired. have fun all and dont forget
    Edited: March 27, 2016

  2. Guild Progress :
    Icc25n 12/12
    Icc25hc 9/12

    *We are progressing Professor 25hc atm*

    Recrutation is open for :

    *Warrior Fury*
    *Shadow Priest*
    *Feral DPS*

    Contact in game :

    Grand Master : Thaazar (aka Scheja)
    Master : Luks (aka Luksu/Luksux/Morgsky)

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