1. Nobody can log in but, according to the website, there are 4.6k players online atm
    Cool story.

  2. WARNING PIMP DOWN. DC for no reason and cant login back aswell...

  3. Same thing here, stuck at connected.

  4. I told my guild to dont logout 3 of us can't log at the moment

  5. The fact of the matter is the population on Lordaeron is still thriving, just not with noobs anymore, which is exactly how we want it. Stop complaining on the forums already, the devs are doing a wonderful job at offering us a "Hardcore" environment which is what was promised.

    @warmane -- Thank you for having a stubborn view on this and not allowing the weak to change your views on how Lordaeron should be.
    Not with noobs. Just with the US guild behind pugs in progression? only 2 and a half months for yogg? Everyone else killed it in 2 weeks.
    The weak? You had to wait for every single boss to be nerfed before you could kill it, and still struggled.

    There's no need to flame people who are looking for a different type of server, which they can't find, as there's no real 'blizzlike' servers. The issue with a server that's not 100% blizzlike is **** like Yogg 0, the REAL difficulty becomes trivial because it has to be nerfed as the devs won't be meticulous enough to code the difficulty to perfection.

    People are allowed to have opinions on how the server would be, and the ego of a **** player leading a **** guild shouldn't spew his bull**** on them.

    The server is dying. There is 2 US guilds, one of which is casual, one of which is bad. There's only 2 competitive euro guilds left. When the server was released there was 4~ US guilds and upwards of 10 euro raiding guilds. If you honestly think it's thriving, you're delusional as ****.

    This isn't old Molten, this is Lordaeron, and the devs are doing a great job at keeping it hardcore, just because you are weak and cant handle it, doesn't mean their decisions are questionable, just means you suck.
    No, they're doing an awful job at keeping it hardcore, as they keep nerfing content to make HMs easier, and therefore allow worse players and guild (ie; you.) to kill bosses that they would not have been able to kill at their release difficulty. They did an awesome job with naxx, with the refusal to nerf, even for things as hard as 3D 10m Sarth, which only memories was capable of killing, nobody else.

    Did they nerf it for noobs like YOU to kill it? No. They didn't.

    Post again when you've killed 3 drake on any modes, and can dodge flamewalls.

    Egotistical fuccboi.

    The server needs to be fixed in a place where difficulty isn't trivialized due to nerfs upon nerfs, to the point where Yogg 1 light is actually EASIER than yogg 4 light was on release.

    If it can't go back to the naxx/os tuning by TOC, I can see the death of the server in the near future. No competitive player is going to want to kill hard bosses to then be trivialized by the noobs who can't handle it, to appease them.
    Edited: July 24, 2016

  6. I think we've established that everyone is having this problem. Now we wait for a developer to fix it.

  7. i've tried every single server and couldn't get into any of them. so it's the login server across all realms. possibly ddos still, just doubtful it's over the trivia :D

  8. This has already been reported and is being checked right now.

  9. This has already been reported and is being checked right now.

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