1. May 11, 2024  

    When are BLW items unlocked in the store? UwU

    When are BWL items unlocked in the store?
    I need to spend my coins and shamelessly show off my items to my guild members!!!

    Edited: May 11, 2024 Reason: BWL BWL BWL BWL

  2. May 11, 2024  
    A couple of days after AQ opening

  3. May 12, 2024  
    Is MC equipment coming down in price?

  4. May 12, 2024  
    Believe it's when AQ is cleared

  5. May 19, 2024  
    Bump. as Tranquility cleared AQ40 but BWL items are still not available for purchase.

    @QA please reply.

  6. May 19, 2024  
    i don't know what are they waiting for.
    GIve it time, took a week or something before MC items was up after BWL

  7. May 19, 2024  

  8. May 19, 2024  

  9. May 19, 2024  
    What a bunch of clowns stuck at 1/8 ranting because they can't RMT their gear... Pathetic.

  10. May 19, 2024  
    let us spend our coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. May 19, 2024  
    What a bunch of clowns stuck at 1/8 ranting because they can't RMT their gear... Pathetic.
    My guild has cleared BWL on the third week. We farmed it ever since and have seen exactly 0 DFTs drop. Some guilds have 5-7 of them already. This is why we need BWL gear in the shop.

  12. May 19, 2024  
    My guild has cleared BWL on the third week. We farmed it ever since and have seen exactly 0 DFTs drop. Some guilds have 5-7 of them already. This is why we need BWL gear in the shop.
    Some guilds also have 0 TFs even tho it was on farm since week 2 of MC, my guild included we only have had 1 binding drop, we wanna be able to enjoy the TF Debuff so much :)

  13. May 20, 2024  
    Some guilds also have 0 TFs even tho it was on farm since week 2 of MC, my guild included we only have had 1 binding drop, we wanna be able to enjoy the TF Debuff so much :)
    We had one drop on the first week MC was out. My guild was only forming at that time and we had to invite some pugs. A pug rolled a won it. Second one dropped a few months later and a third one dropped a few weeks ago. So our guild has 1 tank with TF.

  14. May 20, 2024  
    I have never seen a single binding drop, even though I've done MC once per week since launch (excluding my alt runs, although I've never seen it drop there either)

    Really annoying that a legendary weapon that becomes useless once TbC launches has such a low drop rate

  15. May 20, 2024  

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