1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    Weakaura for display toons stuff

    Hey.. greeting from germany.

    i am multiboxing for several years now. never did a raid with multiboxed toons, before. Since onyxias player count decrease my guild ran with the issue of not having enough players. so i got asked to multibox a warlock while playing my healdruid.

    i would like to manage dot management via weakaura or someting else, if you habe a tip.

    i am stuck at weakaura atm. i need to display for an example corruption timer. but i only want to see my toon's corruption's timer.

    Thank you for reading and your reply.

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    I feel like this is a rather hard thing to implement, I'd go with either each client with their own Weakaura or a tellmewhen profile and vfx it via a tool like Isboxer to your mains screen where you want dots or cooldowns to be tracked be.

    My best recommendation would be to construct a custom castsequence rotation, using an add-on shuch as gse to your advantage if you have classes like warriors in your toolbox.

    Hope that helps

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