1. LK: Lordaeron core -> all LK realms

    Is there any ETA remotely known as to when can we expect the lordaeron core to be applied on the rest of the LK realms?
    Im tired of seeing "Lordaeron Update" on the news section, and the realm Im playing on has the last bugfix changelog on freaking July.
    The current state of the LK realms is really bad, full of bugs and stuff that you supposedly fixed in Lordaeron. Well man, bring it on the other realms maybe? Is there a reason why this is not being applied still? Maybe you want to move more players to lordaeron? It makes no sense to me.
    And before you dismiss this post with crap about me demanding ****, asking when can we expect something is not a demand, its an actual simple question. The answer can very well be "never" but i would like to know this information. A lot of personal decisions are tied to this matter.

  2. from what i've read it won't be till 2016. no actual dates have been posed afaik.

  3. Well we wont get anything until they get it released and fixed on lord so atleast 3 months min with the progressive release they doing then its all about the fixes it needs so possible delays might happen.

  4. so there will be no major fixes for other realms/expansions at all huh.. warmane pls

  5. so there will be no major fixes for other realms/expansions at all huh.. warmane pls
    they are still working on other expansions. main focus is just on lord.

  6. You people need to stop asking for ETA, they won't give it out just to not meet it then have the whole forum throw a temper tantrum. You would think people would learn by now...

  7. You people need to stop asking for ETA, they won't give it out just to not meet it then have the whole forum throw a temper tantrum. You would think people would learn by now...
    I want my free **** and I want it now!
    But really, this.

  8. I know a lot of people who stoped playing till they up date it on ragnaros , hopefully won't be to long .

  9. You people need to stop asking for ETA, they won't give it out just to not meet it then have the whole forum throw a temper tantrum. You would think people would learn by now...
    And you need to stop telling me what to do lil troll boy

  10. so there will be no major fixes for other realms/expansions at all huh.. warmane pls
    They got separate teams for each expansion, so updates for Cata and Mop will keep coming, no worries there.

  11. They got separate teams for each expansion, so updates for Cata and Mop will keep coming, no worries there.
    Lol there is no team in one person.

  12. Lol there is no team in one person.
    You'd be wrong to assume there is only one person working on any of the expansions.

  13. from what i've read it won't be till 2016. no actual dates have been posed afaik.
    Spark ( the lead pve dev from frostwolf ) was last night online in Frostwolf Global, he told us we get the first old dungeons in 2-4 Weeks.

  14. Spark ( the lead pve dev from frostwolf ) was last night online in Frostwolf Global, he told us we get the first old dungeons in 2-4 Weeks.
    that's for frostwolf, the op was asking about wotlk.

  15. You'd be wrong to assume there is only one person working on any of the expansions.
    Pretty sure that person only assumed that because it was stated by staff members that there was only 1 dev for Cata and I think it was Wrath until they all started working on Lord.

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