1. FailFish

    So since the points stuff is going to change tomorrow i decided to spend my remaing points on mounts and i brought 5. So i go to my mailbox on my ally where i sent them to and i can only use 1/5 because the other 4 can only be used by the horde, what the hell warmane. When i was purchasing the mounts the 4 i brought didn't have the horde symbol next to them and on other mounts they do so i only got them because they had no faction symbol next to them, i mean why have some mounts with faction symbols next to them and the rest don't cuz now i have 4 mounts that i can do noting with but sell and now i'm really mad about it. Thanks for wasting my points for me

  2. All the mounts have race requirements on their tooltip.. also you should know upfront that kodos, raptors etc are horde mounts..

  3. It's a bug in the site. You should not be able to buy any horde items in the first place.

  4. As far as I remember the excuse for not having faction symbol was that in database they are marked as race-specific not faction-specific. If you buy opposite factions mounts you should check the tooltip also.

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