1. Evades on 25 HC LK Pulls

    Hello guys, last two weeks we are encountering some weird bug on LK Pulls.
    When combat starts he evades the first attacks and by the time he is on tank (less then sec) most likely one random guy in the raid is dead.
    We're not experiencing this on each pull, we do not know whats causing this nor how to reproduce/avoid this.

    Did you also encounter the problem? Maybe you know whats causing this/how to avoid?

    Thanks for help.

  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Maybe rogues need use trick trade on tank amd let the tank 5 sec solo the boss to get soome agroo..?

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    And how can rogue trick his attack to the tank when it says evade? -.-

    3sbc: Also, I think you need to make some video about it and post it to bug reports if it's not already there.

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