1. World of Warcraft Launcher

    I don't know if I am the only one who experiences this Issue, it's not a major one, but it would be extremely more convenient if solved. Every time I launch the game I have to go through the WOTLK Cut scene and Terms and conditions acceptance. As well as input my video, and audio preferences, Type in Username(doesn't automatically remember), and make sure I activate all of my addons, again. This isn't a major issue at all, but if there is a way around this already, or a launch that can be made to by pass having to set my preferences every time it would be highly convenient.

    Thank you for your time and support.

  2. Follow these steps:
    1) Restart your PC ( this is important)
    2) close your Torrent client and move your WoW folder away from your Torrent's download destination
    3) now right click on WoW folder> Properties> remove "read-only".

  3. This worked like a charm! Thanks mate!

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