1. Not having 90 boosts is a good thing

    What do you guys think? I say this because, well on sargs, low level zones are starting to get populated again, I haven't seen a single player or fought one in outland for like 2 months lol, yes 2 months. Zones to this day are getting populated little by little, which is something I like to see.
    Not too many people running around with 90 weps from what I am seeing, I dunno the state of Frostwolf on this or the low level zones. Despite the lack of dungeons, we were able to get some people to team up and get other objectives done.
    People are more open to team up and get things done now, even RDF is doing well, ONLY during certain times.
    We still have the occasional White Knights, hype man, and D bags, but in the end, it is what it is that makes up the community and so forth.

    To me that is just my opinion.

    What do you guys think?

  2. Ofc is a good thing. How someone could think different? Btw Sargeras needs more ppl...

  3. tbh. i would block new acc on frostwolf to help sarg population and to lower their que times but thats only a wish :P and leveling is always good. so many 90 without basic knowledge of class mechanics resulted in horrible dungeon runs :P

  4. Here is the counter argument - I was a long time donor Molten player, and when I found out about the DB loss I held off playing for a month to see what the fallout is like. Then I got busy with my job for another month, and then I come back to find out about Warmane - and that I no longer have access to the levelups and professions.

    So I lost over a dozen max level characters across all the servers, the millions of gold, all the items - thats fine, that was outside Moltens control, albeit I would have thought backups were a thing. I would have even been fine releveling toons if everyone else had to. But I lose any interest in playing knowing anyone who had the time to play in the last two months got tons of free max level characters, whereas I'm stuck starting from scratch with nothing.

    I cannot even find the booster backs anymore, which everyone was supposed to get two of. Can't get those working either.

    But my interest in playing and especially in donating again goes away instantly when I was not even given notice that the free levleups and professions were temporary. I spent the coins and points - not on what I would have wanted, but I had notice and not spending them would have been my fault. But there was no notice, at least timely that I could see (and I check the news weekly if I'm not actively playing) of all the other perks going away, which is just insane.

    So you might like having low level characters again, but there will be other veterans coming back this summer or maybe tomorrow that will find out they have lost all these compensation gifts to make up for losing everything that all the current players have and they can no longer use. And that will turn away so many veterans from returning, because honestly I'm thinking walking on nails might be more fun than leveling through burning crusade and wrath zones for the hundredth time without heirlooms.

  5. Norse. I might start turning a profit from cata greens now. :D

  6. Honestly, leveling up with low gear is such a challenge, and becomes so much fun...

  7. Honestly, leveling up with low gear is such a challenge, and becomes so much fun...
    And you react different in some fights in world pvp, where you have to rely on your next move to survive.

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