1. May 9, 2016  

    Multiboxer Taking over PVP

    Since i see very much of Multiboxing these days i wanted to either recommend to ban them or ask if it its legeal and if so, why ? I dont like that the Multiboxing got that much ( Ele Shamys /Hunter) and would want the GMs to take care of them

  2. May 9, 2016  
    its legal.. even on retail people can do that.. about retail idk if they changed already but few years ago it was legal.. and here is legal.. every1 can do multiboxing.. i get kofhu pwned u in a bg.. and i bet that u are pve fire mage!

  3. May 9, 2016  
    is legal wtf dumb ...........i play on retaril is legan when you play with all char manual but i see the ****ing shaman with multibox he use one program and he play with all char wen one put ****ing flame shok all use flame shok is a ****ing hack .....

  4. May 9, 2016  
    is legal wtf dumb ...........i play on retaril is legan when you play with all char manual but i see the ****ing shaman with multibox he use one program and he play with all char wen one put ****ing flame shok all use flame shok is a ****ing hack .....
    not every1 plays with hacks.. and program isnt anything with game.. its about sending the info of the key u pressed to another programs or windows that u have open

  5. May 9, 2016  
    Didn't knew there were multiboxers on deathwing. How much character does he have?

  6. May 9, 2016  
    6-7 shammys but all low except the main 1 its like 6k.. the others are 5k or even less

  7. May 9, 2016  
    7 shamans, cool. Pvp will be interesting after rag and dw have merged.

  8. May 10, 2016  
    It's legit on retail because hardly anyone would pay for several subscriptions at once just to multibox.

    The same cannot be said for Warmane where you can make as many accounts as you like.. But hey they probably just see more potential donations so choose to ignore the issue.

  9. May 10, 2016  
    It's legit on retail because hardly anyone would pay for several subscriptions at once just to multibox.

    The same cannot be said for Warmane where you can make as many accounts as you like.. But hey they probably just see more potential donations so choose to ignore the issue.
    "Issue", will someone ever give normal explanation why they are "issue"?

  10. May 10, 2016  
    "Issue", will someone ever give normal explanation why they are "issue"?
    You really want somebody to explain something that should be common sense? They hit 1 button to cast anywhere from 5 to 40 spells at once, resulting in them 1 shotting everybody. It's really no different than hacking. It ruins pvp in multiple ways by not letting people have a fair fight or ruining a bg if you happen to get the multiboxers who afk bot, which from what I've seen, most of them do it. It's not too bad if you have 1 afker on your team, but I've literally seen bgs where I was the only person in it besides the afk multiboxer. The fact that it is allowed is quite honestly one of the stupidest things ever. You can get banned for doing some of the most innocent things, but the things that are actually harmful are never bannable.

  11. May 10, 2016  
    You really want somebody to explain something that should be common sense? They hit 1 button to cast anywhere from 5 to 40 spells at once, resulting in them 1 shotting everybody. It's really no different than hacking. It ruins pvp in multiple ways by not letting people have a fair fight or ruining a bg if you happen to get the multiboxers who afk bot, which from what I've seen, most of them do it. It's not too bad if you have 1 afker on your team, but I've literally seen bgs where I was the only person in it besides the afk multiboxer. The fact that it is allowed is quite honestly one of the stupidest things ever. You can get banned for doing some of the most innocent things, but the things that are actually harmful are never bannable.
    its not hacking.. the program doesnt affect the game at all.. and it was designed for other stuff not for wow.. so it doesnt count as hack.. if u press X key.. the program ill auto run X key for every windows that u have open..

  12. May 10, 2016  
    You really want somebody to explain something that should be common sense? They hit 1 button to cast anywhere from 5 to 40 spells at once, resulting in them 1 shotting everybody. It's really no different than hacking. It ruins pvp in multiple ways by not letting people have a fair fight or ruining a bg if you happen to get the multiboxers who afk bot, which from what I've seen, most of them do it. It's not too bad if you have 1 afker on your team, but I've literally seen bgs where I was the only person in it besides the afk multiboxer. The fact that it is allowed is quite honestly one of the stupidest things ever. You can get banned for doing some of the most innocent things, but the things that are actually harmful are never bannable.
    Fightning with 40 characters, of course you will die, how is that different from fightning with 40 non multiboxers? In both cases you are not very good at math suicider. You can see the cast bar and all cast at the same time so 1 aoe cc interrupts all. In all bgs 1 guy can cc his main toon crippling the movement of all his toons if you want to dodge him/her. You can make him/her move like snail and give your team time to cap all other bases. If you really want to kill the mbx just group with your team, use the f*cking chat to communicate, dont waste all cc for 1 interruption, have some teamplay, stop dying 1 by 1 followed by posting "BANN MULTIBOXERS" and "Why I cant solo 40 multiboxers?" in the forum. Just to make it even more clear everytime its the same problem, all of you mbx haters have serious math problems.
    The afk-ers are problem, no matter if they are mbx or not.

  13. May 11, 2016  
    You really want somebody to explain something that should be common sense? They hit 1 button to cast anywhere from 5 to 40 spells at once, resulting in them 1 shotting everybody. It's really no different than hacking. It ruins pvp in multiple ways by not letting people have a fair fight or ruining a bg if you happen to get the multiboxers who afk bot, which from what I've seen, most of them do it. It's not too bad if you have 1 afker on your team, but I've literally seen bgs where I was the only person in it besides the afk multiboxer. The fact that it is allowed is quite honestly one of the stupidest things ever. You can get banned for doing some of the most innocent things, but the things that are actually harmful are never bannable.
    It's not hacking. So then should we ban premade groups in BG's with like 5+ healers? If you face a boxer in BG you have the option of leaving the battle and waiting 15 minutes to re-queue.

  14. May 11, 2016  
    its not hacking.. the program doesnt affect the game at all.. and it was designed for other stuff not for wow.. so it doesnt count as hack.. if u press X key.. the program ill auto run X key for every windows that u have open..
    I wish people would read my posts before responding.

  15. May 11, 2016  
    It's not hacking. So then should we ban premade groups in BG's with like 5+ healers? If you face a boxer in BG you have the option of leaving the battle and waiting 15 minutes to re-queue.
    I couldn't care less about BGs but you are missing the point here. Fighting 40 man premade isn't the same as fighting 2 multiboxing teams for ONE reason (I'm talking about IoC and AV here, since large MB groups queue it): Damage concentration. 25 people won't attack the same target, which makes it manageable to some extent. Versus MB you can't do anything, since you flop in a global. There is no counterplay to it. And to the guy who said something about AoE interrupt: even if you do it, their druid healers have atleast 2 HoTs on everyone, 15 tremor totems which are impossible to kill, 15 Magma totems which oneshot melee that run in etc... Like I said before, I couldn't care less about multiboxers, but it's not the same as fighting 40man premade. In AV you can burn every single tower and still have like 150 reinforcements left to burn. Doing that to a multiboxer that isn't completely braindead and which camps inside Drek's room is nearly impossible. He can just place totems at entrance and pull back a bit, and no melee will ever go trough. I guess you could argue having an organised group could do something, but doing that without a premade is pretty much impossible.

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