Maybe it's me but I think sometimes, we all just like to fly to the highest place we can get to, sit down, have a drink, and just stare at the horizon right :D? What's the first thing we do when we try use a skill, it turns yellow, but nothing happens, and in that moment we know that the server crashed? I was fighting 2 Bog Lords in Zangarmarsh.. I got to admire those things in full detail, and I tell ya they were awsome.. then I realized, that every server crash is the chance to admire anything in detail, and I mean everything, a blazer in Ogrimmar, a zebra in The Barrens, anything you have in sight will do, and the way the server is crowded today, it's actually pretty rare to admire absolutely everything around you standing still, like being trapped in time :D.. After that I climbed on top of the tallest mushroom, and took this picture.. Hope you like, sorry for extra blabber :D ... Picture I will upload as soon as I figure out how, I'm an incredible ***** :)) I tried with the manager but it didn't work :(