1. May 18, 2024  

    RANT: Banned for alleged ninja looting. Is it a fair ban?

    Just a quick introduction. I'm relatively new in WOW and i got my first 80lvl ever, so this is my first time reaching the late game. I got a protection warrior, which I was told is not the best tank. I've decided to respec and find items for DPS first, so I don't lag behind and drag my friends down in dungeons and raids when I do so.

    That said, I've started gathering DPS gear in different ways. Many of the items can be good for both arms, fury and protection.

    So I've been doing a dungeon and a trinket or a neckless with hit rating stamina and attack power dropped with better gear score and I had the option to need it. Considering my situation I've selected need without much of a thought, but then I saw that a warrior in my team started fuming about it, so I was about to give it to him without any questions since i've always offered in case that happens, however the guy instantly left the instance and continued threatening me in chat that I'm banned.

    About 30 to 40 minutes later I was banned without any warning...

    So my questions are the following:

    1. I understand that the item is not the best on slot for my warrior, however I'm still a warrior and have the option to need it, the item basically works for me too. As a new player how am I supposed to know that even in such situation I'm not eligible to vote "need"? It's not like i left the instance without offering to give it away.

    2. Is banning me a bit much? Considering the fact that I was never banned before nor had any problems with other players and I'm always ready to help. Plenty of times other people who are not tanks got my items in dungeons and all i had to do is ask or just move along.

    3. Why did it took minutes for Warmane to ban me, but days to even acknowledge my appeal?

    4. The player clearly exploited the report system just to vent out on a bad day, since I've offered him to give him the item, but he went ape stuff in the chat and reported me right away. Isn't this banable too? And let me know which is worse.

    5. How am I supposed to be sure whether this player isn't collaborating with a GM banning people left and right for such stupid stuff?

    If this is not GM ban, then the system or whatever it is is promoting and awarding toxic behavior, because I don't really know how I will get back in the game being as good of a guy as I was. In fact if that's considered okay, why shouldn't I just start reporting people for stupid crap just to have fun and vent out?

  2. May 18, 2024  
    And for god sake this is just a 5 man dungeon. It's not a raid.

  3. May 18, 2024  
    1. Technically pleading ignorance isn't a good excuse for breaking the rules. There's nuance in how loot is distributed and a whole lot of specific mumbo jumbo, but basically, even if the system lets you press need, doesn't mean that it knows it's an upgrade for you specific spec, or anything else other than what you class is. Hopefully in more nuanced situations, a GM takes this in account when handing out punishments for offenses.

    2. Being banned for few days is the warning, more serious the infraction of rules, the longer the ban. At least it's not permanent.

    3. Because different jobs, different tasks and priorities. Warmane doesn't prioritise appeals like they do disbursement of gameplay. Ban appeals are a last priority and considered an additional service.

    4. He may have felt righteous about his stance, or he could've been a twat. Either way, looking from the other end it might seem like you exploited the fact that as a tank you can also need on DPS gear willy nilly, especially if you don't inform the group beforehand, and only agreed to give lt back after being threatened.

    5. This sounds like you make the worst assumption about the service provided and the service providers in this community. Some petty foil hat accusations that don't make sense.
    I'm sure there's pettiness, and I'm sure there's abuse of power, but I'm also quite certain that this type of collision is ridiculous, especially to try and inflict to randoms.

    Just take it to the chin and move on is my recommendation. I'll take your word that it's of ignorance, not of malice, but regardless, that doesn't change the fact that you technically broke a rule. Could they be more lenient? Maybe, but others might exploit it, so it's understandable if they aren't. Either way, I hope your luck turns around and when you're able to log back in, good rng is on your side when it comes to loot. Just be careful out there, and try and enjoy your time.

  4. May 18, 2024  
    Yeah man. Sure. That's what I would've probably done If I didn't offered the clown the item. But he refused to take it and proceed to report me.

    Ninja looting is basically getting an item that doesn't work for you and getting out of the party or instance without even acknowledging or caring that somebody needs it more than you.

    But getting an item that actually works for your build in mind and offering the person to give it to him in good faith, can't be possibly considered neither technically or morally a ninja loot.

    I am not sure how they gather evidence so fast, but the evidence that that is not a ninja loot is in plain site. If that's not considered before banning someone it's just a feature for deranged lunatics to have fun with, just banning people left and right. If that's the case I could've banned like 50 players so far.

    I understand if I got an item with mana and ability power, but that's hit rating and tons of stamina for god sake. That's good for threat, health and gearscore...

    That ban is a joke and that's why they should atleast remove it. And sorry I cannot accept nor approve such bull.

  5. May 18, 2024  
    It was what's called "ninja" as far as the server rules are concerned and the only evidence they need to report you is a screenshot of you rolling Need on something you shouldn't. You were on a Tank role and used Need for an item suited for a DD role. You are meant to "stay in your lane" and use Greed for anything that isn't for the role you picked for that dungeon. If you want to use Need on DD items, you queue as a DD, not as a Tank, or get explicit consent from everyone in the group to use Need on something.

  6. May 18, 2024  
    And sorry I cannot accept nor approve such bull.
    That's great man you don't have to accept and approve, but your next ban will be 10 days, just so you know.

  7. May 18, 2024  
    It was what's called "ninja" as far as the server rules are concerned and the only evidence they need to report you is a screenshot of you rolling Need on something you shouldn't. You were on a Tank role and used Need for an item suited for a DD role. You are meant to "stay in your lane" and use Greed for anything that isn't for the role you picked for that dungeon. If you want to use Need on DD items, you queue as a DD, not as a Tank, or get explicit consent from everyone in the group to use Need on something.
    I understood the policy and rules. Trust me I've read them all due to misbelief. However that still doesn't make sense.

    That fraction of a second I voted "need" in my mind that item was a good idea because of the stamina, hit rating and gearscore, which were higher than my current, which as you know are good for health threat and gear score and it's a neckless. This already makes the report invalid.

    The official understanding or either ninja or ninja loot is running away with the item. That is why it's called ninja. But I was there in the instance offering to give the item to the player, who refused to get it and went out.

    I understand if I needed a dagger, two hand or a mail, but neckless with stamina and hit rating... really? Call me inexperienced or newbie but don't call me ninja loot as that was certainly not the intent nor what happened.

    Again, although the item was better than mine and I could use it I offered to give it to the player on that second I saw that he needed it too. If he stayed for me to give it to him that wouldn't even happen, but he decided to refuse and leave... That's basically a consent. What am I suppose to do? There is clearly no intent to ninja loot in this case. Prove me wrong somehow.

  8. May 18, 2024  
    You were proven wrong by the fact that you got banned. Now you stop thinking excuses and justifications in your head, no one will care about them. Simply do not press NEED on items that are not for your spec. Very simple and you will never get banned.

  9. May 18, 2024  
    Hit, Stamina and what else? Haste/Crit/Armor Penetration/Spell Power/MP5 would make it automatically necklace for others, and not for Protection Warrior.

    Also, the ban may have been from other (earlier) incident.

    I get it, accidents can happen, but considering you're new, the ban might be lifted. Though sadly due the nature of Ban Appeal priority, the ban will most likely end before your appeal is even read.

  10. May 18, 2024  
    Ticket read and player banned in 30 minutes?

  11. May 19, 2024  
    You were proven wrong by the fact that you got banned. Now you stop thinking excuses and justifications in your head, no one will care about them. Simply do not press NEED on items that are not for your spec. Very simple and you will never get banned.
    Why are you being so rude man?

  12. May 19, 2024  
    Why are you being so rude man?
    I think it was strictly on point, without any room for misunderstandings. Exactly information this player needed to avoid trouble in the future.
    If you see it as rude, it's not on my end.

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