1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    Please add more filters to the character trade system

    I am a new player looking to buy a character and yet I am unable to search by spec or even item level, please can you add these 2 features to make it much easier to narrow down the characters.


  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Good suggestion.

    Would be also cool to have filtering by multiple conditions, for example:

    ContainsAchievement(achievementId) AND
    ContainsItemId(ItemId) AND
    AchievementPoints > 10000

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Why not let us run SQL queries in the character database directly?

  4. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Why not let us run SQL queries in the character database directly?
    Because someone like you will possibly write an inefficient query that will lagg out the entire server.
    Edited: 4 Weeks Ago

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