1. Banned for not having a reason.
    banned for having a reason.

  2. banned for having a reason.
    Banned for being Skuddy the Lowbie Camper.

  3. Banned for being Skuddy the Lowbie Camper.
    Banned for scamming the Hillsbrad murlocs.

  4. Banned for having a better Profile picture than me

  5. Banned for having "Ally" in the name.

  6. Banned for terminating numerous animal species under the pretext of "questing/skinning".

  7. Banned for defending infernal creatures. Damn, I'd eat a steak now.

  8. Banned for wanting to eat steak.

  9. Banned for playing boomkin, srsly how can someone stand(and be happy with) that fat birdy look all day? :D

  10. Banned for hating on our fluffy feathered friends. Poor Birdo did nothing wrong.

  11. Banned for defending filthy creatures. Druids are filthy since their creation, I mean Elune + A stag .. And for the Moonkin - a bear and an owl ..

  12. Banned for liking Bloodborne over Dark Souls, also do druids have to shower separately for each form, or just shower in their nelf/tauren base form?

  13. Banned to like Horde characters only!

  14. Banned for disliking necro-thread-philiacs.

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