1. Yes. recruiting more wimmens!
    Oh so baeir isnt enough eh? or does she need company or just a funny accent to laugh at? if its the latter try to get Richarb to start playin wow again :P lololol

  2. Oh so baeir isnt enough eh? or does she need company or just a funny accent to laugh at? if its the latter try to get Richarb to start playin wow again :P lololol
    lol iono i just want more wimmens in our guild :D

  3. Bump, LF Tanks, Heals & DPS other than Ret paladins!


  4. Defrinol's Avatar
    gear requirement?

  5. haymaker1216's Avatar

    How do I Apply?

    Character name: Ziggin

    Age: 18

    Class and spec: Pally Heals 5.4k

    Plz message me back on how to apply, just looking to have a nice guild experience like my last one before we had to split apart, would very much appreciate it :)!!

  6. Character name: Ziggin

    Age: 18

    Class and spec: Pally Heals 5.4k

    Plz message me back on how to apply, just looking to have a nice guild experience like my last one before we had to split apart, would very much appreciate it :)!!

    For detailed information about our guild and applications, please visit our website at:

    Your "app" isn't looking too good so far =/

  7. applications have been disabled until recent new recruits can be tested

  8. Applications should be re-opened within a day or two.

  9. Indeed! Applications have been re-opened!

  10. barbie very spammer!

    good gild, go apply men!

  11. nice

    GZ guys with Lich King killin':)

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