1. [Guide] Best rogue specs (pve and pvp)

    So in cata there are a lot of new rogues and many of them have no idea what to spec what stats do they need or what rotations to use so i will give u some advice.

    First of all tallents and glyphs.


    Q: Why haven't you got Nightstalker?
    A: Saves you 2 tallents points which u can use for a more needable tallent and u really dont need that much movespeed in stealth when u have sprint.
    Q: Why you haven't you got Quickening
    A: It does give you more speed which may help in a lot of situations but it is better to get Improved Recuperate because there will be more heal from it and 6% reduced damage when it is active (+ combat readiness that makes a total of 56% reduced dmg)
    Q: Why haven't you got Glyph of Kick?
    A: It's better to have Glyph of Blind because when u have 3 bleeds on a target and u need to vanish urgently you will just blind the target with no chance of the CC being removed (unless he trinkets ^^)

    Q: Why you haven't got Deadended Nerves?
    A: Quickening and Improved Recuperate give you more healing which leads to more survivability and Improved Recuperate gives u that 6% reduce damage.
    Q: Why not glyph of preparation
    A: Cause you dont have that spell you play too long on 3.3.5 :D


    Q: Why you haven't got Quickening, Blackjack, Deadly Brew and Murderous Intent?
    A: Those are PvP tallents.
    Q: Why deadly momentum ?
    A: Many bosses have stages where they go defensive and your raid has to kill adds and when you kill and enemy that gives XP or honor u get a bonus crit proc. It will be faster and after the last add u will get a huge crit the boss.

    Q: Why you got Reinforced Leather?
    A: Sometimes bosses do AoE physical damage so more armor less damage taken.
    Q: Why you haven't got Improved Recuperate, Improved Gouge, Improved KIck
    A: Those are PvP tallents for me.


    Subtlety PvP
    First of all cast Premeditaion for 2 combo points and open with a garrote followed by a hemmorage then rupture/recuperate. Run around targed trying to backstab to make 5 combo points and then stun him with Kidney shot followed by a shadowdance to proc garrote and rupture again with a few ambushes. Fights usually go on the same.

    Assassination PvP
    When in stealth get Vendetta on the target and open with a garrote followed by a multilate and then rupture for more energy regeneration then make some more combo points for a kidney shot in which u should already have 5 Deadly poisons on then make 5 combo points followed by envenom. After about 20-25 second vanish for a quick cheapshot if you havent used it and by then target should be dead.

    Assassination and Combat Pve
    Blow all your cooldowns and spells whenever you want for massive burst just know that for envenom i recomend to have 5 deadlypoinsons stacked on the target and 5 combo points. Also better keep up with Exposed armor almost all the time for more physical damage from all melee classes.

    I had nothing to do so i did this not so detailed tutorial should i call it for rogues. Hope i helped some of you guys out there :P. Cheers.

  2. you can safely remove this thread as links does not work, which is main purpose of this thread.

  3. Why does this have a WotLK tag in the title? Clearly it's a Cataclysm guide. Obsolete now either way considering Warmane no longer has a Cataclysm realm.

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