First off you will need to know where your WoW install is, and a general understanding of your operating system structure.

1) Write down or keep in mind where your WoW install is. For instance mine is at "C:\Program Files (x86)\WoW" Normally it will be at "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft" OR "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft" depending on your operating system.

2) Open notepad and paste this into it.

    @echo off
    cd program files (x86)
    cd wow
    rd /s /q cache -x

each "cd" is a change directory. You can add and remove the cd lines if you have it moved to install right at C: or if you have WoW in a totally different place.

3) Click file > Save As . Name it wow.bat and under that make sure to select "all files (*.*)" Make sure you save it to the C: drive, not in any other folder. Then click save, and close out notepad.

4) Open a new notepad, and paste this into it.

    Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set oExec = wshshell.Exec ("c:\wow.bat")

    Do While oExec.Status = 0

    WScript.Sleep 100


    Set wowExec = wshshell.Exec("c:\program files (x86)\wow\wow.exe")

    Set wowExec = Nothing
    Set wshshell = Nothing

5) A little modification is needed to this after you paste it into notepad. You will need to modify this line
"Set wowExec = wshshell.Exec("c:\program files (x86)\wow\wow.exe")" With your correct wow install.

6) click File>Save As. Name it wow.vbs. Make sure to save it under the "C:" again and also make sure to click "all files"

7) Navigate to "C:" using my computer or Explorer (not Internet explorer). Right click wow.vbs and send shortcut to desktop. After its on the desktop you can assign it the standard Wow icon or however you choose.