1. Signature Service

    Hey guys. I'm doing a signature service for any premium member, as I don't know how many requests I'll get, I'm limiting it to premium only, for now.

    Previous work:


  2. Just wondering if you could make a sig for me, I dont have access to my donor account on the forums (cause it's still using my old password, which I cant remember) but here's a screenshot of my account panel

    Let me know if you're willing to do it ^.^

  3. Sure, :p.


  4. Warriorfreak's Avatar


    I Wish you could make me a signature... im active on the forums, i dont get why its premium only, so when its still small requests can you make me a signature

    Render: http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/...arriorNONO.png
    Colors: Black, yellow , white,some blood in the background
    Text: WarriorFreak
    Dimensions:to fit the allowed size on forums
    Etc:I would like you ask you to pls make it.... tnx:(

  5. Render: http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/y...f/48fccb8d.jpg
    Colors: Dark Orange/Brownish-red
    Text: Sartharion/Ballzor
    Dimensions: 500x200 px (500x300 if 200 height is too small, my current sig is 500x200 for refference).
    Etc: I would like a dark sig thats still kinda paladinish, maybe orange and red glow/smoke/mist? And if you could make the render a bit darker to fit it would be great ^.^ I really liked the halo and darksiders ones, maybe something along those lines?

  6. Render: http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/t...adinRender.png
    Color: Whitish, Greenish Brown/Yellowy orange red... :)
    Text: Calanis, Level 90 Retribution Paladin, Darkspear (US)
    Dimensions: 700 x 350 (I am aware of the forum rules)
    Etc: I would like it to be very misty, like im talking fog misty. A little grainy too. Very mists of pandaria themed :)
    I hope you can create something neat ;) Thanks!

  7. DudeTraM's Avatar
    Render: http://artysmorris.files.wordpress.c...unter_sm03.jpg
    Colors: Grey (This backgrounds color) + Cyan
    Text: Dudetram , Sargeras , The Insane (guild) GM
    Dimensions: 700 x 350
    Etc: Something that fades to background, mby with some nice effects.


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