1. Omg, even that Germany hater said he ejaculated twice. People are crazy...

  2. I didn't even get one damn story.

    I feel left out

  3. He/she'll send you from now on, since you openly insist.
    You're gonna regret it...

  4. "Kaer Wolf has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her."

    C'mon guys, I'm pretty sure Kaer would love to read my stories. Is there any other way to contact him?

  5. Last one sucked. I'm unsubscribing from those stories.


  6. That's it, I'm done! F*ck you and your f*cking stories! Disabling private messages. Peace!

  7. Should i start monogatari series,should i watch all of it or just some of it? >.<

  8. Anyone who knows C++ (specifically friend methods) and has 5 minutes to spare ?

  9. I keep missing all the fun with these erotic private messages everyone is getting. So sad I didn't get one. #JustKidding

  10. If that b*tch sends me another story I'm gonna blow a fuse. It's the 4th one...
    Just 4?

    Thats cute.

  11. Just 4?

    Thats cute.
    It's because you don't know how many banned accounts he has already.
    Just keep reporting.

  12. I don't mind. It takes me two seconds to get rid of the notification lol.

  13. Just 4?

    Thats cute.

    Now it's the same. But I've disabled private messages.

  14. I'm surprised you guys haven't started a competition for who gets the most PMs like that.

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