1. Now now we're all friends here.

  2. I'm losing patiente. When the FCK is Luffy gonna beat the FCK out of Doffy...

  3. No protection at all. I just got a warning considering it's a first offence. Don't try to be an ***.
    FIGHT FIGHT F...uh.

  4. Now now we're all friends here.
    One would think.

  5. Now now we're all friends here.
    Theres no such thing as friends

  6. Theres no such thing as friends
    diip... very diip

  7. Theres no such thing as friends
    a certain sitcom would like to have a word with you

  8. a certain sitcom would like to have a word with you
    My bad,friends do exist,but in movies and tv shows,anime and cartoons

  9. My bad,friends do exist,but in movies and tv shows,anime and cartoons
    I'm not sure if this is self-pity, cynicism, or both.

  10. I'm not sure if this is self-pity, cynicism, or both.
    None of it actualy lol,just my personal experience

  11. anime and cartoons
    why repeat the same thing twice tho

  12. why repeat the same thing twice tho
    I thought theres a difference between an anime and cartoon

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