1. Good thing it's not disabled, huh. :)

  2. I was up at ****ing 3am with two of my friends after I got a call from a drunk housemate in tears because she was lost and alone and didn't know what to do, and panicking like mad. We went out looking for her but she wouldn't stay still. She'd give us street names and we'd walk there and then she'd tell us she's somewhere else entirely despite us telling her to stay where she is because we'll come and find her, meanwhile it's raining like crazy. And then her phone dies.

    Finally I get a call from her saying she's just managed to turn her phone on and she's at the train station so once again we tell her to stay where she is and we get there and she's gone. Just as I'm considering calling the police because I don't know what to do she calls me saying she got a taxi home.

    WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT AT THE BEGINNING, she said she had no money. Drunks be dumb

    We got home at 7am since none of us have cars. I feel like I walked around the whole of Cambridge in one night a million times

  3. Good thing it's not disabled, huh. :)
    Weren't we supposed to have flying at lvl 60?

  4. Weren't we supposed to have flying at lvl 60?
    You can get it at level 70 until Northrend is available.

  5. That sums up all of Hearthstone for me.
    That is me for this week for Tavern Brawl. Took several tries to kill the boss. Once we killed him I was like, "NOPE. NO MORE TAVERN BRAWL FOR 4 DAYS". The boss is so cancerous with his eviscerate.

    Biggest tip is don't have a full board of OP minions. If there is no room for the boss, he will eviscerate ALL OF THEM to make room. So many tears shed by Ricks. :P

  6. I played hearthstone before it was cool

    I got a beta key when they were worth like $60 on the black market, played the game for about three hours before stopping. Should have sold it
    Edited: November 6, 2015

  7. **** I feel so broken. I'm getting a fever and my body just feels like it got rekt.

  8. I played hearthstone before it was cool

    I got a beta key when they were worth like $60 on the black market, played the game for about three hours before stopping. Should have sold it
    I got a beta invite and skipped school one day to play it.... Still playing to this day, never invested any money in it. No ragrets.

  9. >ITT Obnoxious requesting homemade amateur pr0nz.
    Keep your jelly off my peanut butter.

  10. Just played a Game about disabled ppl....after a long time a game just made me cry again ( in a positive way )

  11. Peanut butter and chocolate should never be together.

  12. One more line, and my nose and brain will be fine

  13. Keep your jelly off my peanut butter.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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