1. So, you are saying you do not write some programs?
    And soryz for hurtin' ya all feelings.
    Edited: January 14, 2016

  2. So, you are saying you do not write some programs?
    Is that really a thing with kids these days? Like the South Park thing with Goths vs. Emos vs. Vampires?
    I've always referred to people who actually work as developers (programming) programmers, not everyone who knows how to code is a programmer, at least imo.

    You cannot put a guy in 9th grade who just learned basic C stuff with someone who codes for a living in the same bucket and call them both programmers.

    (again, imo)

  3. I've always referred to people who actually work as developers (programming) programmers, not everyone who knows how to code is a programmer, at least imo.

    You cannot put a guy in 9th grade who just learned basic C stuff with someone who codes for a living in the same bucket and call them both programmers.

    (again, imo)
    Yeah, I get what you mean. It's just Kemii's post made me picture her saying it with a snobbish tone, you know?
    "Programmers? Pfft... we're not such rabble, we're CODERS!"
    Maybe just my imagination.

  4. guys i can write a site in html am i a coder yet???????????

  5. Back in 06-07 I did a lot of **** related to Myspace. So you could say I've been programming for years now.

  6. Well so far Tera is good,even tho my char look like super version of Garen from LoL

  7. Welcome to the club! :D I'm turning 18 on April :D

    I think I've seen snow once, when I was like 3 or 4 years old... Other than that, I don't know anything about snow...
    I'm 24 and only seen snow about 3 times in my life. We don't get any snow around here in southern California except for up in the mountains.

    Well so far Tera is good,even tho my char look like super version of Garen from LoL
    I remember trying out Tera like....two years ago or something. Played til like level 16 and couldn't stand it any further.

  8. That's actually a male. The game's quality engine lets me change his armour and apparently the dress models come bundled with tits.

  9. Blade and Soul hypeeeee

    jk 3 hours queue to get ingame since I got kicked while loading into a new zone.

  10. And this is a masculine woman
    Spoiler: Show
    "So for how long have you been a woman?"

  11. I'm 24 and only seen snow about 3 times in my life. We don't get any snow around here in southern California except for up in the mountains.
    I have been dealing with snow for the past 2-3 weeks, which is quite annoying if you use the train.

    I remember trying out Tera like....two years ago or something. Played til like level 16 and couldn't stand it any further.
    I played it with a friend of mine 2 years ago aswell, she talked me into it and we both disliked the game around lvl 15. It felt quite empty, especially end game wise. I have actually been looking for multiplayer games lately, but it's so difficult to find something motivating those days. CS:GO doesn't motivate me enough to push for anything, Dota 2 I would love to pick up again but that the MMR doesn't decay is a deal breaker, WoW is a big nope at this point, Hearthstone is fun for the dailies but I can't find motivation to push ranks on ladder and I tried out Warframe just to get disappointed. I even tried to talk my friend into playing portal 2 co-op again, but he isn't up for it :< (most fun co-op ever). Now I'm kinda just waiting to get servers worked out for Terraria and Don't starve together Q_Q.

    Well, I'm just gonna stick to tomb raider and driveclub while I wait for something interesting I guess.

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