Who am I?: Just so you don't have a stranger telling you how to play. I am Nattyz from Sargeras. I was a core warrior tank for True Core in alliance, a guild with several realm first feats that eventually split up after Cataclysm was released. Later on, I become mostly a PVP'er and tanked as well for Chance of Rein which was and still is a friendly raiding guild in Ragnaros. Wrath become boring to me so I tried out the cataclysm realm and it was aight. I didn't like tanking as a warrior anymore so I switched to fury. I went back to horde mainly for friends, and set a goal which was to become a top tier warrior in the realm. Currently I am one of the core fury warriors in Myrmidons ,one of the top PVE guilds in the server. You can apply here.

Introduction: : Warrior is a strictly physical melee class. In order to deal proper damage, you need to be in melee range. The majority of your abilities cost rage to use having a rage bar from (0 to 100). While being in combat, you do not lose rage (therefore being out of combat depletes your rage). Warriors can DPS in Arms and Fury, while protection is inclined for tanking. By no means this guide prefers Fury over Arms. They are both very good specs. Also, I will not be including SMF (Single Minded Fury) in this guide.

TG Fury vs. Arms/SMF

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TG Fury vs SMF: Currently SMF is broken to the point where the talent does not grant any damage increase. Numbers are hard to compare but easy to conclude. TG Fury>SMF

Fury vs Arms: : This is what I have seen on raids with an arms warrior. Shoutout to Rallik, he's a beast.
Arms-Pro's: Controlled Burst (Deadly Calm). High Constant Damage at 3 stacks of Slaughter. High mobility. High AoE damage. Better rage income. +4% Physical Damage Raid Wide. Good at switching. Easier Rotation. Colossus Smash upkeep
Arms-Con's: Drastic DPS loss on rotation mistakes. Stance Dance to use Recklessness (latency can become a problem). RNG .

- Fury has a higher burst than arms, without questioning. After your burst is over as fury, this is where arms picks up. Arms can sustain high damage for a longer duration therefore, on longer fights arms can be stronger. Arms is also fairly better at switching targets since Charge grants rage and +crit on mortal strike and slam compared to a fury warrior's intercept which instead grants no rage and costs rage to use. On AoE, Sweeping Strikes + Bladestorm will make you jelly. The only RNG factor as Arms is Wrecking Crew (Enrage) and Strikes of Oportunity (Mastery). On fury, RNG affects Enrage and instant slams (aka your rotation)

Now, on the next couple of SS you will see the overall dps and damage on certain boss fights on BWD and one in Cho'gall. Rallik is the arms warrior on recount. I am a bit more geared than he is as well. about 2-3 more ilvl. Make your own judgement. Either Arms or Fury is fine, choose your playstyle.
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Magmaw 25N

Maloriak 25N (He died early-Raid was over after this? Hence Why I'm in orgrimmar)

Cho'gall 25N

The following will be a 2 (maybe 3) part instructional video that summarizes everything.

Part 1:


Part 2:




For simplicity:

*Bloodthirst ~ BT
*Colossus Smash ~ CS
*Raging Blow ~ RB
*Death Wish ~ DW
*Execute ~ EX
*Inner Fury ~ IF
*Inner Rage ~ IR
*Heroic Strike ~ HS
*Heroic Throw ~ HT
*Recklessness ~ Reck
*Whirlwind ~ WW

Disclaimer: When I refer to a fury warrior it will be specifically for TG oriented.

Some Fury PoV's: These videos are nothing special. You will see me doing decent or sucking cox. Language.
Atramedes : How to kite tracking
Halfus 10 & 25
Chimaeron 10 HC

(1) Talents & Glyphs:

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While I won't be talking about each talent specifically at least for now, I will explain some of them that are "questionable" in the Q&A section.

Prime Glyphs:
*Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Slam : Damage, Damage, Crit. No explanation here.

Major Glyphs:
*Death Wish: You no longer take increased damage on use. ROFL needed or you get one shooted if combined with reck.
*Colossus Smash: Refresh your sunder armor stacks on every CS. Sunders have a 30 sec duration. CS has a 20 sec cooldown. so you are set to keep your sunders rolling.
~~Heroic Throw: Apply a sunder on heroic throw. meh its alright. HT refreshes your swing timer tho hence why I dont use it.

Minor Glyphs:
*Berserker Rage: Grants some rage on use. Scales with mastery. Pretty good.
*Bloodthirst: Heals more. Might as well.
*Battle/Commanding Shout: Increases the duration of the shout. Get it just for lolz.
~~Heavy sundering: Reduces the rage cost of your sunder. It's good too.

(2) Rotation:

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Colossus Smash (CS): A heavy attack that ignores armor by 6 sec. (20 sec CD)
Raging Blow (RB): An attack that causes you to hit with both hands. Requires you to be enraged. (6 sec CD)
Bloodthirst (BT): A heavy attack that causes you to heal for a small portion of your health. (3 sec CD)
Slam : Some other attack, haters. (No cooldown)
Heroic Strike (HS) : An attack that is off GCD. (3 sec CD)
Execute (EX) : Your finisher move. It converts any point of rage extra to the set cost into damage. In other words, the more rage you have, the more damage it will do. (No cooldown ~ available at 20% hp or bellow)

It's kind of a priority system rotation that follows this rule:

CS > EX (~5 Executioner only) > BT > RB > Slam

Abilities that are not in GCD:

*Heroic Strike
*Inner Rage
*Berserker Rage
*Death Wish

How to become enraged (Required for RB) :
*Berserker Rage
*Death Wish
*Enrage (Talent) ~ Procs on white swings


CS > BT > Something > BT > Something > BT > Something > BT > Something > BT...till CS is up.
*Something = RB or Slam or EX (if usable) or Battle/Commanding Shout to get some rage.
*Use HS to "dump" excess rage. In other words use HS when you have 50+ Rage. Depends on your play style as well.

This right here is your rotation. Practice it. Lick it. Love it.

Execute phase:

EX > EX > EX > EX > EX > CS > BT > Something > EX > BT > Something > BT > EX > BT > Something ... till CS is up

Now the reason you shouldn't spam EX is because it consumes a lot of rage. It's ridiculous. The only reason why you should EX is to keep Executioner rolling or if you literally have no other abilities to use. It does good damage tho don't be discouraged by Execute, but it's hard to manage your rage...we will get into that in a minute.

For AoE:

WW > Rotation

Note: It's better to cleave before a WW because of Meat Cleaver:

Now, the reason why I put something is because not every single time you will have something to do inbetween your BT's. You might not be enraged, or you wont have a slam proc...it's up the RNG gods. If you have literally NOTHING to do you can always battle/comanding shout to get more rage or you can use Victory Rush if you enable it, it does some decent damage at no rage cost.

*Note: Do NOT use slam without a bloodsurge proc. It is considered a dps loss. I will provide a macro that will help you on this on the macro's section.
*Note: Here is a bug related to bloodsurge that you wanna keep in mind on your ratation. HERE

So going back over that. This is what your IDEAL rotation will look like if NOTHING goes wrong. (this will hardly ever happen)

0.0 – Colossus Smash
1.5 – Bloodthirst
3.0 – Raging Blow
4.5 – Bloodthirst
6.0 – Slam
7.5 – Bloodthirst
9.0 – Raging Blow
10.5 – Bloodthirst
12.0 – Slam
13.5 – Bloodthirst
15.0 – Raging Blow
16.5 – Bloodthirst
18.0 – Slam
19.5 – Bloodthirst
21.0 – Colossus Smash (start again)

DPS Breakdown - Maloriak 25N

(3) Cooldowns:

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Inner Rage: Reduces the CD of your HS and Cleave by 50% (1.5 second). Use it only when you are certain that you will benefit from it. (30 second cooldown)
Death Wish: Increases your damage done by a % (Scales with mastery) (2.4 min cooldown)
Recklessness: Increases your critical strike chance by 50% (4 min cooldown)

*Note: Intensify Rage is already factored in.

It is often seen all these 3 CD's combined together which can output the most damage as a fury warrior. The only issue is making good use of inner rage. It is only good when you know for certain that you will have high rage for quite some time. Recklessness works well with all CD's since it increases the crit chance hence proccing Flurry increasing your haste...therefore increasing your rage.
Try to use your cooldowns as soon as you can so they can come back up later on in a fight and/or combining it with your trinkets. However if you know that you can increase your damage done by some boss mechanic (aka magmaw's chains) might as well wait for that opportunity to use them.
Also, keep in mind that fury warriors have one of the best bursts in the game. You WILL pull aggro if you pop all cd's at start so use it with caution...if you die it's your fault. I always die cus of this.

(4) Stat Priorities
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8% hit > 26 Expertise > Strength > 13% Hit > Critical Strike > Mastery > Haste

* 8% Hit: Makes sure your special attacks don't miss. [IMPORTANT]
* 26 Expertise: Makes sure your attacks don't get dodged or parried. [IMPORTANT]
* Strength: Your primary, ungodly, stat. Stack it like no tomorrow. Makes you hit harder
*13% Hit: Past the 8% , hit increases the chance your auto attacks will land. Any number close to 13% is recommended so you get a more stable rage income. Because no one likes a warrior that pops all his cooldowns and misses all of his auto attacks....this actually happens a lot more than you think.
*Critical Strike: Fury Warriors shine on their crits. A very important stat because it works well with all your abilities, plus this.
*Mastery: Second to last in priority. Why? Plainly because crit is better.... that's pretty much the main reason.
Answer the question on what exactly our mastery does. In short, it increases damage by RB and enrage effects benefits. OK...what does that mean? Well, the RB booster is a no brainer; the more mastery you get the harder you will hit with RB. It also increases the damage benefits from Enrage (Talent) and Death Wish. It also increases the rage gained from Glyph of Berserker Rage. Other than that it increases the healing done by Enraged Regeneration.Finally, it increases the benefit's recieved from an unholy DK's Unholy Frenzy.
*Haste: Sucks. You are already getting enough haste from flurry.

(5) Rage Management:

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The reason why I am highlighting this section is because not many warriors realize the importance of controlling your rage. Rage management is a key factor that separates the good warriors from the bad warriors. Let's go over our ways of getting rage.

How to get rage:
*Melee Swings: ~
MH/OH hits generate 24/12 Rage respectively.
MH/OH crits generate 48/24 Rage respectively
*Damage done TO YOU: you also get rage by damage done to you. (i.e chimaeron's massacre)
*Glyph of Berserker Rage
*Battle/Commanding Shout: 30 Rage with Booming Voice.

Now let's go over the cost of rage on our primary abilities.

CS (25 Rage)
BT (20 Rage)
RB (20 Rage)
Slam (Free)
DW (10 Rage)
Pummel (10 Rage - Can be talented for no rage cost)
WW (25 Rage)
Cleave/HS (30 Rage)

As you can see I put HS last to show that it is the ability with highest rage cost and it is one of the main causes of running out of rage. As a fury warrior, you should NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES run out of rage or capping your rage (100). Running out of rage tends to show that you are lacking hit rating or you are spamming too much HS and will cause you to have a drastic dps loss. While being rage capped shows that you are not using enough HS; this is not as bad as running out of rage but it is something you want to avoid. Most beginner warriors begin by spamming it since it is off GCD and end up running out of rage and eventually, hurting their rotation. Can you give an example of this? I'll try

This topic is fairly hard to explain by plain text.

"Suppose you are practicing on a dummy, and after you white swing you have 46 Rage. CS is on cooldown, and BT just comes of cooldown so you hit it. You will result on having 26 Rage. You become enraged and you have a bloodsurge proc, but both of your next white swings miss. What should you do? RB or slam? Well you have to make a quick decision and you go for slam. Then, your MH auto attack crits and the other one does average damage resulting in 72 Rage. You use IR and follow it up with a BT and HS combo. "

Lets go over that quick decision you had to make. According to my guide RB has priority over slam right? I mean it does more damage and it should always be used over slam because of it. Technically yes, but in this situation you had 26 Rage. Using RB will leave you with 6 Rage. This is a rage starving situation. If we recap, bloodsurge slam has no rage cost, and in this situation it was the right thing to do. This is proper rage management usage. A warrior that can control his rage will always excel in damage over other warriors.

(6) Gearing

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Meta: Rebeverating Shadowspirit Diamond
Red: Bold Inferno Ruby
Blue: Eteched Demon's eye
Yellow: Inscribed Ember Topaz

These are the primary gems of choice. If you would like to meet the socket bonus go for it, but there are some occasions you shouldn't. For example, if the socket bonus on a 2 yellow socket item is + 10 Haste, you might want to skip it and go double red gems.

Note: I highly recommend getting these gems. If you do not meet your stat priorities accordingly it is way better and more profitable to reforge items.

You want to reforge any haste into other stat that you find fitting.

As a rule of thumb, any haste for a fury warrior is useless. Reforge into hit or expertise if the base stat priorities (8% hit - 26 Expertise) are not met. Usually any items with crit and mastery are left alone, but if you really need more hit or expertise you want to reforge mastery to it. NEVER reforge crit, unless the base stat priorities are not met.

(7) Tips and Macros:
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*Race: Ranked in priority order and why (Only talked about the racials that could benefit a fury warrior)

1.- Orc: Expertise on Axes and Blood Frenzy
2.- Humans: BiS weapon for a fury warrior is HC Ashkandi. Humans have expertise on swords making them well with warriors. Trinket out of CC's.
3.- Worgen: Crit chance increased + movement speed.
4.- Dranei: Passive hit chance increased (beneficial to a group as well)
5.- Blood Elf: It can regenerate Rage.

The others are hard to rank but any will do
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion (I chose goblin because the goblin chose me)

*Professions: I will leave this one up to you. Most professions will do just fine. Some will be slightly ahead of others but the difference is nearly minimal.

*Mobility as a fury warrior:

Fury warriors are well equipped with mobility.
~Heroic Leap
~Heroic Fury + Intercept
~Intervene? * [Q&A]
~Racials: Rocket Jump + Worgen Sprint [Racial]
~Alchemy: Speed Pot [Profession]
~Engineering: Nitro Boost [Profession]
Among Others


#showtooltip bloodthirst
/cast bloodthirst

Description: This just makes you auto attack and bloodthirst. It works great if you are swapping targets.

#showtooltip shield wall
/cast defensive stance
/equipslot 16 Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
/equipslot 17 Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast shield wall
/use healthstone

Description: Swap to defensive Stance. sword and board. Shield Wall. This is my OH **** ima die button.
Note: Replace with the weapons you currently have

#showtooltip intervene
/cast defensive stance
/target mouseover
/cast intervene

Description: Swap to Defensive stance and Intervene to the target your mouse is on.

#showtooltip shattering throw
/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance
/cast [stance:1] Shattering Throw

Description: Swap to battle stance and shatter throw

#showtooltip slam
/cast slam

Description: Ensures you never cast a full slam. Only instant ones.

#showtooltip berserker stance
/cast berserker stance
/equipslot 16 Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
/equipslot 17 Akirus the Worm-Breaker

Description: Swap to berserker stance and equips both weapons.
Note: Replace with the weapons you currently have

#showtooltip recklessness
/run if (t or time()) <= time() then SendChatMessage("*CLUTCH TIME*","Say");t=time()+4 end
/cast recklessness
/cast death wish
/cast inner rage
/use 13
/use 14

Description: Pops all CD's macro. Reck+DW+IR + Both trinket slots. Will say in /s "CLUTCH TIME" once even if you spam the key. This is just to let people know....It's CLUTCH TIME!
Note: You wanna make sure you have your cd's on your action bars to see when they come off cooldown.

(8) Q & A:
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1.-What Stance should I be in for fury?
*Berserker Stance, baddie.

2.- If Raging Blow hits harder than Bloodthirst why is not on top priority?
*This is because Bloodthirst has a 3 second cooldown. In a 14s time interval you will be able to use 4 BT's or 2 RB's. Now even thought RB has more damage per point of rage, BT will be superior in terms of overal damage.

3.- To sunder or not to sunder?
*This is for your raid leader to decide whether he wants you to sunder or not. Also it depends on the encounter and how your raid composition is. For instance if your raid is heavy on melee, you want to sunder armor (you have the glyph of colossus smash that refreshes your sunders). If there is a prot warrior, he will take care of the sunders so you don't have to worry about it. However, in encounters where you have to swap a lot (i.e Omnotron Defense System) you shouldn't sunder armor at all.

4.- How do you begin an encounter?
* I usually start with heroic leap to add some extra damage, get me in melee range, and start with my rotation. The moment my "Heart of Rage" procs, I use all of my CD's. On most fights you will be able to use reck twice if you use it at the beginning. If you are going to be using heroic leap later on, I suggest you to save it (i.e Ascendant Council).

5.- Why did you put a mark to intervene?
* Ehh...I advice not to intervene since it stance dancing depletes your rage. Only if it is a last resort ability. Also, if you intervene a tank...you will probably die lol.
* There is a good use for intervene that I can think of. If you have "Die By Sword" and intervene a tank on chimaeron at the last phase, you can make good use of that. But obviously it will hurt your dps.

6.- Should I colossus smash always when its off cd?
* Well, technically yes. But if you have another fury warrior in the raid you might wanna hold on until he does it first so you dont end up shutting down each other's burst. If it's an arms warrior then yeah use it whenever since it is unpredictable when they will CS.

7.- Can haste replace the 13% hit for rage management?
* Some warriors also agree that this is also viable. you can increase around 5% haste to have a more stable rage income, but I disagree on this. I find hit more reliable .

8.- Talents...Why?
1/2 in Rude Interruption? You will hardly ever benefit from the whole duration of rude interruption 2/2. If you need to pummel you will most likely be using it for the remainder of the given encounter that you are in. 1/2 is sufficient.
Piercing Howl? It's CC...get it. (i.e slowing down the slimes on ODS)
No die By Sword? It's mainly a pvp talent. If you get ever dropped that low chances are you are going to die regardless.
SMF or TG and what are the differences? Well this guide is strictly for TG so...
The rotation for SMF is tweaked a bit. For instance, slam is on priority over RB since it hits harder and twice. SMF tends to have better rage management since weapons are faster.
Why 2/3 on Incite and not 2/3 Deep Wounds? That's mainly for SMF. Deep wounds works way better with TG than with SMF.

9.- If I have nothing to do during my rotation can I use WW or HT to keep the damage rolling?
*I suggest not to. Heroic Throw resets your swing timer. If you time it wrong, you will rage starve yourself quite easily.
*If you really want to keep the damage going you could use WW, but it has a high rage cost so be aware of this.

10.- What addons do you use?
*OmniCC (cd timer), PowerAuras (shows buffs/procs), Xpearl (unitframes), DBM/Omen Threat Meter (Raiding), Atlas Loot (All ingame loot), Gladius (pvp) , AV Enabler (Premade bgs/pvp), Juked (pvp).

(9) Bug Tracker:
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Unshackled Fury - Mastery: Not fully working with Enrage and Unholy Frenzy
Bloodsurge and BT crits: Bloodsurge (Instant Slams) gets removed on BT crits.
Battle Trance: Not working overall.
Heroic Leap: Unable to leap up or down.
Deep Wounds (Reflected):Deep wounds are being reflected.
(ARMS) Two handed Spec: Dmg increased up to 10% from 20%.

-Note: This section may change.

Overall thoughts? Well I dunno what to tell ya. Warriors are really fun to play. Been one for as long as I can remember.

Your best bet to become better is to gear up accordingly, practice your rotation and control your rage bar. I personally oscillate between 20-75 rage always making sure I never rage cap, but most importantly never rage starving me. Practice your rotation on a dummy, and if you feel confident you can do an rdf or join a BG and see how you do in a dungeon or with a moving target.

So, if you wanna top them deeps then I suggest you to roll this, so you can do this (Shoutout to Jeno), and them haters will be like this.

Well, I literally ran out of things to say. If you have any questions or suggestions just reply or send me a message or contact me in game w.e, and I hope I helped on your play style. I will continue to consolidate this guide on the future if needed.
