1. Twink lvl 70 RvR!

    Just alittle quick video with me an my friend with our twinks doing some rvr for fun, enjoy! :)


  2. On cata duels arent this quick,resil on wotlk was so ****ed up. Altough nice vid mate.

  3. On cata duels arent this quick,resil on wotlk was so ****ed up. Altough nice vid mate.
    thanks man :)

  4. On cata duels arent this quick,resil on wotlk was so ****ed up. Altough nice vid mate.
    It's lvl 70 btw, doesn't rly haz to do much with wotlk.. and btw Duels in Cataclysm Oo ? Never heard about that ;)

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