1. The Karate Kid movie reference in World of Warcraft

    This is not a machinima, so-to-speak, but a recording of a few cut scenes from one of the quest chains in Pandaria. The video is in HD as well. Enjoy.



  2. Better trainer than Jackie Chan.

  3. We've come a long way from gathering 12 candles. That montage was really well done on Blizzard's part.

  4. Ahhh remember doing this about 2 months ago, it was quite fun. A very light hearted change to WoW. Too bad MoP is still the same old same old. Couldn't quite get me to stick around :\

  5. funny that the panda runs away after she breaks one of those things :D

    I like what Blizzard did with MOP finally u feel like u are part of the story.

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