1. Macro search

    Hi guys,

    i NEED a macro with the following:

    1. Summon Feral Spirit Wolves
    2. Set them to passive the second they are summoned
    3. Both wolves shall attack my target
    4. They shall stun twice (first wolf one then wolf 2)

    i know its possible but i just cant figure it out myself. thx

  2. durham's Avatar
    Hi guys,

    i NEED a macro with the following:

    1. Summon Feral Spirit Wolves
    2. Set them to passive the second they are summoned
    3. Both wolves shall attack my target
    4. They shall stun twice (first wolf one then wolf 2)

    i know its possible but i just cant figure it out myself. thx
    #showtooltip SPELL NAME
    /cast SPELL NAME

    (you cant cast twice the pet stun because after the first stun the spell get a cooldown)

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