1. 240 Horde attack Stormwind

    Hello everyone!
    As we promised, yesterday was DrunKz "Last event" supported by many horde guilds. And alliance too.
    We wanted to finish it in our style and prove that horde can do something. My guild had 25 people in raid + members of TG team, Serenity, The Ascendants. Aslo there were 5 more random raids.
    We don't call this "fail" like most of you guys thinking, "rushed in stormwind and died". For many people this was "new" experience, we did this tons of times, but never in this size.
    Alot of people was /whispering me "Thanks" and bla bla bla. Means something is missing on Neltharion. Well I hope you guys after we quit, start doing "world pvp events". We spend almost year and half on molten trying to make them, and honestly I can say we did! Doing tons of GvG's, Harbor PvP, Nagrand PvP, Grubashi pvp, and many others.
    Why we are leaving molten?
    First you remember that 2 months ago we raided stormwind 2 times per day 7 days in week (making lags). And you guys made here tons of threads about that. We were protesting. Why? Well we only wanted Alterac Valley. Last year and half playing without "best" battleground for pvp guilds is really suks. And that killed our guild. I hope molten wont be in recession hit because we leave, as people calling us Biggest Donors on server ;)
    Anyway thanks to Molten WoW, and Madness, all other guilds are crap (PvP). I hope that Chazzik will start doing some World pvp with his guild. Good bye till some updates come!
    Almost forget :D
    Here you go VIDEO of 240 vs Stormwind :

    Alliance Side View:


  2. We will miss you!!!
    Thekillzone from Madness

  3. Sorry, you can't claim that was the biggest "Molten World Pvp" when there was a Horde vs Alliance battle in barrens on Deathwing a couple months after Warsong went 4.0.6, it was about 800 people total, the server crashed a couple times and leaders of the 40mans were getting ban threats.

  4. I remember that every1 everywhere lagged hard and you guys almost broke the server

  5. Aaand DrunKz is back on Molten, yet once more...

  6. why did they leave again?
    Also stay in your own city. Stormwind is already filled with enough illegal immigrants (cough* Dranei and Worgen cough*). That our wellfare costs are ballooning. The citizens of stormwind are having their jobs stolen by these immigrants. Look at the main auction house in the trade district. They hired a Worgen when there are Stormwind humans perfectly capable of working nad need jobs. #SWisforHUMANS

  7. Unstoppable was there! Cheers!!!!

  8. andronicus19933's Avatar
    lag over ^_^ now we can login and play

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