1. How much does a BIS PVP arms go for on Icecrown

    Hi guys,

    I am thinking about buying a BIS PVP arms warrior with PVE offsets on Icecrown. I have found a couple of characters on the trade, but I am new to Warmane so not sure what would be a good price for them. It appears that people normally list them around 420 coins. Is that a good price or not really?

    Also, I saw people offer refunds, which I guess is a means to get lower than the minimum account price. Is this common when buying characters on trade? How do people get in touch with the seller? Do they just write in-game mail to contact the seller?

  2. You are only allowed to buy characters from other players through warmane's market. To access it go to the website>log in> click on "my account" on the upper left and then on "trade". You need to have a premium acc to trade there. Everything else is against the rules and probably a scam. A bis pvp warrior will probably go for 400-500+ coins. You can't set it lower because the site sets a minimum price based on equipped items.

  3. Im selling bis war for pvp, how i can i pm u in game we can make a good deal obviously within warmane rules

  4. Does anybody even buy BiS characters on trading considering that the minimum price is set so high?
    You can probably donate for instant max level and full BiS gear for a lower amount of coins.
    Not nearly as much as the characters that are bought with a few items. However, buying a bis character on the marketplace *is* cheaper than buying the whole set of items yourself.

  5. Level up service is 20 coins while buying a character is 30.
    Any 23 coin item in trade adds 18 to the cost.

    Trade: 30 + 18 + 18 = 66 coins. Add 6 BiS items more for total cost of 174 coins.
    New: 20 + 23 + 23 = 66 coins. Add 6 BiS items more for total cost of 204 coins.
    Self leveled character would get 8 BiS items for the cost of 184 coins.

    After the 66 coin cost mark, trade character is 5 coins cheaper per BiS item it has compared to level up + store items.

    Without calculating the biggest coin cost itself, the https://wotlk.cavernoftime.com/item=49623

  6. Thank for the info. That helps a lot!
    Do you know how the trading minimum price for Smourne is calculated? If the seller bought Smourne initially with a discount does that also affect the trading price?
    150 coins for character (base) with shadowmourne
    120 coins for character (base) with valanyr

    = same price of just the weapon @ store. The min price of 30 is nowhere to be found if you're buying such character

    Shadowmourne + STS = 168, .. ,.. +18 coins per BiS item afterwards.

    You'll also receive couple of good mounts, achievements (which are important to collect points), etc

    1. You can't use discount codes on legendaries
    2. Item prices for the trading system are based on % of the store price of the same item. If the item not exist on the store then it won't be calculated. That's how people bought 6.4 characters at the end of last frostmourne season for literally 30 coins

    I've witnessed many characters on 10k+ achievement points being sold for around 300 coins, or rolling for over a month on the trading until someone buy them so be careful to not get scammed for some bad character with just equipment. Warrior with 10600+ points, over 130 mounts and 42 feats of strength for literally 340 coins. The realm is 9 years old, there were many transfers from seasonal realms so the items are worthless. What you should be looking and paying for are titles, feats of strength and rare mounts.
    Edited: February 28, 2024

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