1. "Glitched pets"


    Just to start a new topic ( i see we always talk about same annoying things ). :D
    What do you guys know about glitched pets? Do you know or heard someone who ever tamed some of them?

    I personally tryed to tame Garwal yesterday, but brutally failed due to the fact we are 3.3.5 now and it has been fixed:


    Maybe in 3.0x of molten someone tamed it? I wasn't in molten during those patches still :(

    -> Other glitched pets are:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuVO_VlCkIs Oil Stained Wolf

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riUgopHKVoE Oil Stained Bird

    Spirits of sholazar <- didn't get a video of them but they was an Hydra, a Ghost Crocolisk and even a Ooze.

    All of these glitched pets are allowed by blizzard and even if they got fixed, the ones already tamed remained in possession of the tamer. Being unique pets!
    Lemme know if you got one of these! :D

  2. well... the Oil wolf is incredible. But only for allys. If some ally can help it, this will be great.

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    I tryed the cataclysm method in wotlk: Tame the pet while in the same instant another player kills the wolf. Tried for 10-20 times but didn't worked, i guess i have to try the wotlk method with quest. :3

  4. Garwal has no longer a worgen form, read the third green comment on wowhead.

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    This is very bad, they could let him transform but became untameable, the wolf who gives you the quest ingame tells you 10 000 times that Garwal is not a normal wolf and has something strange inside him, which should be the worgen obviusly, by removing his worgen form what the wolf says now is wothout any sense. D:

    Anyways, any of you knows if the wotlk servers of molten started with patches before 3.3.5? Because if molten started like in 3.0.1, there could be people who still have it. According to what people in wowhead say, people who already tamed it still have it now.

  6. Anyways, any of you knows if the wotlk servers of molten started with patches before 3.3.5? Because if molten started like in 3.0.1, there could be people who still have it. According to what people in wowhead say, people who already tamed it still have it now.
    Quote from wowhead: However, come Tuesday the 7th, they were hotfixed to be nearly useless--talents, stats, and abilities were removed, they couldn't be buffed or fed, they couldn't be named.

    I wonder how people can find bugs/glitches like this

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    You just have to want a thing so so sooooo bad i suppose. XD

  8. I tried few days ago with oil stained wolf on ragnaros 3.3.5 patch. Unfortunely i think it doesnt work anymore cause when you target wolf with q item it insta kill him :/

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