1. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.595

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fifth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Kukies won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
    Yy won [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
    Fatala won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  2. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.596

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Mythada won [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
    Cleevee won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
    Cantbebetter won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  3. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.897

    Halion downed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Inextremo won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
    Mimencety won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]
    Doom won [Glowing Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.898

    Halion downed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Putinkgb won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
    Lucent won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Venari won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.899

    Halion downed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Fath won [Penumbra Pendant]
    Irenes won [Returning Footfalls]
    [Foreshadow Steps]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.900

    Halion downed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Aplehead won [Glowing Twilight Scale]
    Earthrage won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]
    Curashturata won [Glowing Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.901

    Halion downed with fifth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Cantbebetter won [Signet of Twilight]
    Birdperson won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Kathriand won [Signet of Twilight]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.902

    Halion downed with sixth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Stereolove won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Np won [Penumbra Pendant]
    Alhira won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  4. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.597

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Abuse won [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
    Nijemojrogue won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Oppovevo won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  5. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.598

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Stereolove won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
    Szupport won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
    Elwapriest won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  6. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.903

    Halion downed with seventh run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Cleevee won [Penumbra Pendant]
    Oulen won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Almeta won [Glowing Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.904

    Halion downed with eighth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Uudam won [Foreshadow Steps]
    Illumielle won [Signet of Twilight]
    Leodavinci won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.905

    Halion downed with ninth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Kosmo won [Returning Footfalls]
    Demidudu won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Ozone won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.906

    Halion downed with tenth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Classrep won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
    Unfearble won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Wildpawz won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.907

    Halion downed with eleventh run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Riera won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Elwadk won [Apocalypse's Advance]
    Neamprostut won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: December 2, 2019

  7. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.599

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Hihotank won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
    Tngz won [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
    Gulldam won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  8. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.600

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fifth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Elwadkk won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
    Ahmeti won [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
    Blackbow won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  9. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.601

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Cantbebetter won [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
    Prostitujka won [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
    Lexy won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  10. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.908

    Halion downed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Gabiwarr won [Apocalypse's Advance]
    Torqx won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Belamagija won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.909

    Halion downed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Jenga won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
    Punchie won [Signet of Twilight]
    Goodlife won [Petrified Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.910

    Halion downed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Agraiven won [Foreshadow Steps]
    Mythada won [Signet of Twilight]
    Fattyowl won [Glowing Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.911

    Halion downed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Nimmycleave won [Apocalypse's Advance]
    Snuffypuff won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Lepotica won [Signet of Twilight]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.912

    Halion downed with fifth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Streetspirit won [Umbrage Armbands]
    Randomeasy won [Foreshadow Steps]
    [Foreshadow Steps]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.913

    Halion downed with sixth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Crnamagija won [Umbrage Armbands]
    Neleria won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]
    Vong won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  11. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.602

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Rumsum won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
    Fattyowl won [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
    Deadlybolts won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  12. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.603

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Friik won [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
    Yy won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Pyromath won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  13. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.914

    Halion downed with seventh run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Staticburst won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Vaelvaelvael won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Nijemojrogue won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.915

    Halion downed with eighth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Sunlounger won [Signet of Twilight]
    Elwadudu won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]
    Discoop won [Charred Twilight Scale]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.916

    Halion downed with ninth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Ozone won [Signet of Twilight]
    Dispelmebro won [Split Shape Belt]
    Trailmaster won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.917

    Halion downed with tenth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Curashturata won [Signet of Twilight]
    Curashturata won [Umbrage Armbands]
    Curashturata won [Split Shape Belt]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  14. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.604

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
    Classrep won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
    Rumtum won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  15. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.605

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fifth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Unfearble won [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
    [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
    Suchpaladin won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

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