1. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.399

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Antidante won [Invincible's Reins]
    Xenlolz won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Mab won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  2. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.400

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Xanttomm won [Invincible's Reins]
    Doriny won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
    Vaelanthe won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  3. 400 LoD's for 400k forum views :)

  4. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.487

    Halion downed with sixth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Waifubilly won [Penumbra Pendant]
    Bebegede won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Rodjendan won [Signet of Twilight]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.488

    Halion downed with seventh run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Brenna won [Signet of Twilight]
    Starrlord won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Vitez won [Apocalypse's Advance]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.489

    Halion downed with eighth run!

    World of Logs
    Physical realm Twilight realm

    Toshammy won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]
    Frreiya won [Split Shape Belt]
    Dantanian won [Petrified Twilight Scale]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: February 21, 2019

  5. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.401

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Aniika won [Invincible's Reins]
    Knucklepunch won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Vindys won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  6. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.402

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Meroguena won [Invincible's Reins]
    Sycora won [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
    guild bank won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  7. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.403

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Lorini won [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
    Danteez won [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
    Frreiya won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  8. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.490

    Halion downed with first run!

    Vaelanthy won [Signet of Twilight]
    Getboxed won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Lowarica won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.491

    Halion downed with second run!

    Dantemvp won [Signet of Twilight]
    Periodsphinx won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Vitez won [Umbrage Armbands]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.492

    Halion downed with third run!

    Dvrxyolo won [Glowing Twilight Scale]
    Yanson won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Domenic won [Charred Twilight Scale]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.493

    Halion downed with fourth run!

    Happynemac won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Missanthropy won [Penumbra Pendant]
    Morholt won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.494

    Halion downed with fifth run!

    Srefko won [Returning Footfalls]
    Bisou won [Glowing Twilight Scale]
    Bisou won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.495

    Halion downed with sixth run!

    Dantanian won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Senia won [Signet of Twilight]
    Cipater won [Penumbra Pendant]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.496

    Halion downed with seventh run!

    Brenna won [Signet of Twilight]
    Soulfear won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]
    Vitez won [Apocalypse's Advance]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.497

    Halion downed with eighth run!

    Sqsq won [Glowing Twilight Scale]
    Demipala won [Bracers of Fiery Night]
    Tarelea won [Foreshadow Steps]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.498

    Halion downed with ninth run!

    Veedee won [Umbrage Armbands]
    Xaanttomm won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Tailgate won [Penumbra Pendant]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: March 4, 2019

  9. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.404

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Rixxu won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Lucent won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
    Bebegede won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: March 4, 2019

  10. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.405

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Jaszczomp won [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
    Nadgal won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
    Knucklepunch won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: March 4, 2019

  11. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.406

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with second run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Fath won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
    Dantanian won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
    Czekotubka won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: March 4, 2019

  12. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.406

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with third run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Iraja won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
    Doom won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
    Noikexh won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  13. Congratulations for Halion on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.499

    Halion downed with first run!

    Demiwarr won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
    Dotyourface won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Cipater won [Umbrage Armbands]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.500

    Halion downed with second run!

    Lowarica won [Returning Footfalls]
    Tryane won [Returning Footfalls]
    Holyfade won[Treads of Impending Resurrection]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.501

    Halion downed with third run!

    Spitfires won [Charred Twilight Scale]
    Attitude won [Signet of Twilight]
    Attitude won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.502

    Halion downed with fourth run!

    Dantanian won [Foreshadow Steps]
    Boost won [Apocalypse's Advance]
    Delpozo won [Umbrage Armbands]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.503

    Halion downed with fifth run!

    Vong won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]
    Codex won [Signet of Twilight]
    Bisou won [Foreshadow Steps]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.504

    Halion downed with sixth run!

    Irisca won [Signet of Twilight]
    Helv won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
    Frustration won [Cloak of Burning Dusk]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

    Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No.505

    Halion downed with seventh run!

    Kosmodisc won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
    Zoldar won [Umbrage Armbands]
    Domenic won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]

    Congratulation to all the winners!
    Edited: March 5, 2019

  14. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.407

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with fourth run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Murmurr won [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
    Higth won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Getboxed won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

  15. Congratulations for Lich King on 25 Heroic Mode!

    Light of Dawn No.408

    Lich King 25 Heroic killed with first run!

    World of Logs
    Icecrown Citadel

    Knucklepunch won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
    Epiqone won [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
    Frreydis won [Invincible's Reins]

    Congratulation to all the winners!

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