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    Enhancement Shaman WTx2 ? WT+FT?

    Hi guys

    I am currently having a lot of fun playing enhancement shaman in cata

    But I'm confused coz in wotlk enh shaman used WT x2 because of bug

    How is it in cata?

    Is it still good to use WTX2 or WT + FT?

    Also I heard that WT proc is kinda bugged, is it fixed now? plz answers :)

    Sorry for bad English

  2. not WT only WF its Windfury Weapon

    WF and FT(offhand) read ur talents and u will know why.

  3. In WotLK Windfury's cooldown is bugged, that is, both weapons have separate CDs, while they shouldn't. In fact, due to that, usin' WF on both weapons should be treated as an exploit.
    In Cata, however, matters are different. It is not bugged here, so havin' WF on off-hand will collide with your main-hand procs, and off-hand damage is naturally lower. And even if it was bugged, Flametongue on-hit damage was buffed in Cata so much, that FT on off-hand will result in better DPS than WF anyway.

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