
..., your Earthbind Totem also has a 100% Chance to root targets for 5sec when cast and...

What is the problem
The rooting effeckt of the Earthbind Totem, when skilled Storm, Earth and Fire got diminishing Returns (DR).

How should it work
There shouldn't be any DR (diminishing returns) for the root effeckt of Earthbind Totem in Wotlk, the DR for the rooting effeckt was introduced in Cata. Every root from the Earthbind totem should last for 5 seconds.

Additional Information
Links for Proof:

This Link even provides a possible way to fix this Bug:

This link is used for proof purposes:

This Bug nerfes elemental shamans extremely, makes it nearly impossible to win against melee classes and disables elemtals from 2s because the survivability is shortened.