1. Wow, that reply was so helpful. xD xDDD xDDD xD xD xDDDD xD

  2. Just to add to the list the Panther Boss in Zul'gurub 20 man vanilla raid does not work or can't be summoned.

  3. Seems that Black Morass can no longer be done. The quest line you need in order to get in is bugged since you can't talk to Thrall to complete Escape From Durnholde.

  4. Everythink Works fine, but when Saviana taunts gonn get fixed? EVERY RUBY SANCTUM I ENTER, people are like, dont taunt her. she should be immune to taunts. i think? Also i heard is bannble?¿

  5. Ran Classic Strat for the achievement today and I noticed that none of the bosses had dialogue, and that Rivendare didn't start his timer when I entered dead side. I also couldn't get the postman to spawn, and the ziggurat crystals were clipped inside the ziggurats instead of floating on top of them.

    Was still able to get the achievement and kill Ball and the Baron, though the Baron briefly unspawned when I entered his boss room

  6. Dialogues seem to be one of Warmane's least concern. Don't have to look far, at least in Lord. Just check at Mr. Smite in Deadmines or for one from later content, Ingvar and Dalronn/Skarvald. Quests also miss some dialogues here and there

    I guess for now it's fine and all, there are still more mechanics needed fixing and stuff

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