1. Stenhuve's Avatar

    Why alliance are bad.

    Heya! Was afking for a bit while i was out mining in sholazar a week ago. I tabbed and noticed a spriest was trying to gank me, i accidently had fraps running so i figured why not, i think it was pretty cool :) It's the original clip so you wont see any cool effects etc ;)
    I had some furious pieces rest was trash gear (about 400 resi).


  2. Title should be changed to "Why a single spriest with an incredible lack of skill is bad."

    No, seriously. That's just...meh. It's a little pathetic and stupid to believe one awful player embodies an entire faction. Unless this is just trash talking and you don't actually believe it, then by all means continue.

  3. Lol'd, I did the same thing you just did on my 70 twink against 3 80s

  4. m4x0rz's Avatar
    I was too busy watching the undead male caster arm waves to notice that sneaky DK ninja the node... so mischievous!


    So hypnotizing!

  5. Again, recently, people are not posting links correctly on this forum and it pisses me off, not that i am lazy to copy link, but why making it more complicated when molten gave you option to make it easier for us, and it also helps you with views.

    Regarding video, never been a fan of a spriest but u did your job there doting and killing low skilled players, which kinda gives more power to your class, it is good for stomping. Video is...meh...

  6. Stenhuve's Avatar
    Title should be changed to "Why a single spriest with an incredible lack of skill is bad."

    No, seriously. That's just...meh. It's a little pathetic and stupid to believe one awful player embodies an entire faction. Unless this is just trash talking and you don't actually believe it, then by all means continue.
    Haha of course i don't belive that, i got some alliance characters aswell, i just thought it was funny how bad they reallly were, especially since they had better gear than me. I've never been a hater for my whole life and i won't start now ;D xoxo

  7. Much impress such CC very skill WOW Hydra 17 trailer?

  8. Haha of course i don't belive that, i got some alliance characters aswell, i just thought it was funny how bad they reallly were, especially since they had better gear than me. I've never been a hater for my whole life and i won't start now ;D xoxo
    There are a load of awful players.

    The video itself was pretty good. The only downside to PvP on Molten is you usually have the extremes in PvP--I end up fighting someone hilariously overgeared or a giant Wrathful Orc with a shiny, purplish axe.

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