1. Snowman raids

    Getting kicked because your a DK = Lame... just saying...... Heck I was not even close to the raid yet and because the other DK's were using frost spells they kicked me too... Now I miss out on all those frost badges because of the class I play.


  2. Now I miss out on all those frost badges
    You aint missing much its not like the first days of the cow event. Now you will get like 10 frosts if you farm all day
    Edited: December 25, 2016

  3. Actually did Snowmen earlier for 1 hour got like 28 frosts, still good when you compare 3 hour icc's.
    That was in storm peaks

  4. I wasnt that lucky than

  5. Snowman farming in Icecrown has died out, few people doing it anymore, the drop rate is too low for the general taste of the players.

    Imo, a 50% drop rate, out of which 25% is EoFs and 25% is EoTs would be nicer, Idk what the current rate is, but it's about 10 EoFs per hour Each snowman takes about 30 secs give or take (with a good raid); Plus having to deal with kill stealers, opposing faction players, mobs, and even a couple of douches that just follow raids around casting frost spells on the snowman's just so screw with others.

    As for dks getting kicked, im sorry to hear, but given the amount of players around that don't even speak basic english (can't explain to them that Icy touch IS an ice spell) most raids just ditch them, but you are not alone, mages get the short end of the stick as well :(

  6. In my opinion, the drop rate is not perfect, it could be like a bit higher than that, but otherwise the snowman are perfect. I really want them back. Please return the snowmans as soon as possible :D

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