1. zororak's Avatar

    Pulling baine

    Ok, so ive noticed about 90% of pugs are pulling baine away from his platforms. I, as a hunter find this extremely annoying. Baine is the easiest boss in ET yet to beat it, we have to bug him? Also i dont think many people know that if you stand in the lava for a second you get a buff as MDPS allowing you to do alot more damage compared to normal. If you cant do baine properly than why bother playing at all. It takes longer to pull him onto land than it does to do the battle on the lava with the melee buff. Also im wanting to know if this is bug abuse. If so, any future incidents i will be taking screenshots and reporting them. just do the boss properly.

  2. Blmaestro's Avatar
    lol yeah...in a group of 2 mdps, I suggested doing him normally, but the group didn't understand that buff. So as tank, I just ran in to an adjacent island and waited...and they came after a few minutes.

    To change this kind of behavior, you have to be a tank or healer who can basically extort the group to kill the boss normally or threaten to leave.

  3. I can't say I understand either. On retail, we would just engage and faceroll, and he'd be down by the time he breaks a second platform, or just a few seconds after.

    Also, zororak, you are absolutely correct about stepping in the lava. Doing that just for half a second every 20-30 seconds or so will cause your dps to skyrocket, but very few people were aware of this even on retail. It was still incredibly easy to do, however, as I initially stated.

    I'm not sure why people want to waste time pulling him to land, I'd love to know why. Being able to pull him that far is indeed a bug. If you pull the boss out of the area the fight is intended to take place in, he is supposed to de-spawn completely and reappear at his spawn location completely reset and at full health. I imagine you can report them and have the GM's deal with the exploiters.

    This should also be reported as an exploit type bug report in the bug-tracker if at all possible. If you need me to do it (I have the post count), provide me with the info and I'll do it as I haven't had the opportunity to do this on Molten just yet.

  4. also, you should not be able to fight murozond until 2 randomly chosen bosses are dead. but yeah, this belongs to bugtracker

  5. Today I saw a boomkin bug the ghoul on Sylvanas by typhooning it, allowing the group to exit the ring without breaking it. Also, pugs constantly tele-hacking is irritating, To date I have had only 2 kills on both Sylvanas and Tyrande, people want Jaina and Baine for weapon drops.

  6. i dont see the point of this thread in this section u should start this kind of thread on the designated place so the people in charge will look into the problem

  7. i dont see the point of this thread in this section u should start this kind of thread on the designated place so the people in charge will look into the problem
    Threads are fine for discussion. As for an actual report, that's what the bug-tracker is for. Hence the last paragraph in my previous post.

  8. You can solo this ****ter with a BDK... Bugging it is lame :/

  9. They start calling you noob if you dont get on their elephant for a "taxi" ride o.o I mean srsly, if you're that bad, go back to doing rdf HC.

    Jaina concerns me though. What is suppose to happen when we wipe on her? Right now if we wipe and 1 of the party member enters, she instantly aggros and makes her way to the entrance of the dungeon.

  10. They start calling you noob if you dont get on their elephant for a "taxi" ride o.o I mean srsly, if you're that bad, go back to doing rdf HC.

    Jaina concerns me though. What is suppose to happen when we wipe on her? Right now if we wipe and 1 of the party member enters, she instantly aggros and makes her way to the entrance of the dungeon.
    I'm trying to understand how can someone wipe in Jaina, please explain me, she does like no damage, healing stream totem can keep everyone up and any tank can solo it aswell :/

  11. in my pugs there is always some dude with a mammoth telling people to get on and then teleporting straight to the bosses.

    if something can be exploited here, a large portion of the community will do it until caught.

    in bg's now your team will cheer on for the guy who uses teleport hacks instead of reporting them.

  12. I'm trying to understand how can someone wipe in Jaina, please explain me, she does like no damage, healing stream totem can keep everyone up and any tank can solo it aswell :/
    Pugs man. there was a case when a molten core poped right next to a hunter, and he ran away o.o

    Then there's the pvp geared disc priests or Green/crafted vicious tank. and sometimes molten core pops under the ground so we can't even step on it but it still does damage.

  13. if something can be exploited here, a large portion of the community will do it until caught.
    True that. I bet the only reason TotT is still not out is because molten is making sure all the exploits are sealed once it is scripted and released, so that people can't skip bosses or use the Neptulon buff to 1-shot the dungeon.

  14. zororak's Avatar
    i saw some guy advetising over global that he was making an ET group and he wanted someone who could taxi. its just sad that people have to ask for it...

  15. So far yesterday and today every ET i did had that one guy who did "taxi"...Just sad how lazy some people are...

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