1. very good guide! can i ask u why is exactly 18% in hybrid spec? is a sort of breakpoints or what?

  2. pajano's Avatar


    Does Execute take priority when available?

  3. Kevinator's Avatar
    @Freeze 18% hit is what i found helps get around 90-100% of melee attacks through which is ideal for rage regen and weapon+trinket procs.

    @Pajano execution phase should go like this
    CS>5x Executes>carry on with rotation and refresh execution stacks and dont let it drop.

  4. @kevinator another question... is the mastery working properly? cause i saw in a post a guy saying that it should start from 8 points but it start from 2... is this blizzlike or is a bug or what?

  5. Lol , ^ Mastery has been nerfed in 4.3 for fury warriors , no longer 8 base mastery so it starts from 2.

  6. July 1, 2014  
    I am lvling up my warrior and since I have never played one before I find your guide quite helpful.
    While playing I have some Question that I hope I can get some answers to
    1) what stance should I be in as from your screenshot I see that you are in Battle stance.
    2)Can I do more dps than an arms warrior ?
    3)Would you recommend pitting dots on target before applying Blood Thirst or should I open BT an then apply all dots ?

  7. July 1, 2014  
    Kevinator's Avatar
    1)My ui is a bit buggy but im really in beserker stance.
    Beserker stance alwaays
    2)Fury will probably much better at around 385++ but you still will burst harder than an arms warrior at any ilvl so if you want heavy burst at bosses i suggest you go fury but arms will do steady dps with their buggy executes. After 385++ You will race head of arms warriors as with your gear at 385 you will do heavy burst and come down to some steady 30-40k dps By using your cooldowns
    3)By dots if you mean rend then no you stay in beserker stance start with BT and follow rotation furys dots are deepwounds which comes of your attacks So no you dont need to apply anything just do your rotation and manage your rage:)

  8. Being fury your melee attacks are your #1 dps doer. Increasing the hit increases your dps more than stacking crit or mastery would.
    BTW is expertise bugged why is is 14 in the guide when cap is 26?
    1.) Is expertise still bugged?
    2.) Do you still go for 13% hit?

  9. Kevinator's Avatar
    1)Expertise is bugged and 20 is enough
    2)Hit 13% for mastery build
    Hit 18% for hybrid
    Hit 27% for hit build

  10. With DS 8/8 being released is it better to have 2 voice of deeps or 1 voice and 1 from yoshraj or warmaster.Is the weapon from Warmaster a better than the slicer for a OH ?I am confused whether haste or mastery is better for us furry wars.

    Should I keep my most strongest weapon on my Mh or I can put it anywhere ?

    I am following the hybrid spec.

  11. The stats priority is Crit>Mastery.And no , you will never want to have 2 Gurthalaks, you will want Gurthalak in main hand and Experimental in off hand.

  12. The stats priority is Crit>Mastery.And no , you will never want to have 2 Gurthalaks, you will want Gurthalak in main hand and Experimental in off hand.
    u sure that even in hit spec u don't want 2 gurth?

  13. u sure that even in hit spec u don't want 2 gurth?
    You lose precious secondary stats with 2 gurth and I doubt that we need another sword for more tentacles to pop.As far as I am aware in retail the tentacles had a limit like 1-2 can attack one target and not all the tentacles you spawn.

  14. I spawned even 3 tentacles here on Molten but however, the guy above me is right , you lose too many stats like crit and mastery .

  15. Hey! Mastery gear switching is something that demo locks have been doing for a while.
    I think Fury warriors can do it as well to maximize their burst at the pull.

    Essentially you have your regular hit-based gear set. and you have a second gear set with most mastery as possible (mastery gems, enchants etc).

    During countdown leading to boss pull you wear the maxed mastery set, pop Death wish, then switch to your hit-based regular set, and then prepot+cds whatever you do and start dpsing the boss.

    Incidentally, You might lose 2-3 secs on death wish, and you dont want to get caught in your max mastery set. But this will boost your damage even more for first 30 secs of boss fight.

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