About half a year ago i got my hands on this nifty little software,but totally forgot about this because of the transmogg option,however sometimes you just don't have the coins/VPs or whatever you need for your next piece,or maybe the instance it drops from is closed down.
Found out that i had this saved on a private ftp server just for safe-keeping,and that's a good thing seeing how the original website is near dead and all the links along with it,so i assume i am one of very few who got this app.

All credit for the software goes to the author called Glitchy,this is his software,i am just sharing it since he stopped developing it along with the website it was originally hosted on.
It does not use any sort of injection or anything,all it does is edit few lines of numbers in your cache,same as evermorph,if anything it's even less intrusive.

Link to the download page - it's virus free,trust me,if i had the knowledge,i would add a ''tourist'' just for lols,but i don't :(

Before you start,you will need a certain version of .NET framework and XNA framework if i am not wrong,the problem is,i am not sure which versions,but Just FYI i got XNA framework v3.1 and v4.0 along with net.framework v4.5
It works for me on windows 7 x64,no idea about macosx or any other OS/platform.


1.Download and Extract

2.Open up Locale.txt and follow the instructions,edit what need's editing,delete my comments and save - It should look something like this.

3.Close WoW (this is very important,otherwise the app might crash,and if you got any model edits already done,they will be lost)

4.Run the application.

Here's how you edit the models.

When you open the application you will have 2 tabs. Left side tab is the list of items in your game cache,Right side tab is empty.

Drag the item you want the model changed to the left side,as an example i'll pick the first two items seen in the screenshots.

Find the item model you want to use on the left tab,and copy it's ID number (called Model in the tab) to the right side item.(you can also highlight the model number with your mouse,and use CTR+V) When you're done use the save option on top left hand corner,save the changes,and you're good to go.

The Sheath tab is self explanatory. 3 is for 1handers 2.is for staves 1. is for weapons on the back (2h axes etc and few 1handers) 0.is everything else including claws (i think) bows/xbows/guns/etc. You can mess around with this and put any 1h weapon on your back if you wish to including claws.
Do note tho,Glitchy never got around properly polishing this thing so there are some glitches.

To get rid of the changes made all together just delete your cache folder.
Enjoy. Hopefully i got no errors.

P.S. You will need Microsoft NETframework and Microsoft XNA framework,which versions,i do not remember.

Update: Posted a screenshot of my locale.txt file.