1. Roses are red
    Knez is fat
    pls stop spaming
    you make me weat

  2. udba veri ded. rip udba best levelin geld universe :< <3

  3. rip udba and rip knez farming tlpd while we're clearing trash
    wtf Knez best tlpd farmer motel wow ???? benefits of raid leader - farmin tlpd on trash kappa

  4. wtf Knez best tlpd farmer motel wow ???? benefits of raid leader - farmin tlpd on trash kappa
    i blame you for abuse of power, tuuumcraft

  5. ohhhh... u naughty girl

  6. veri feels, veri friends, veri RIP udba :(

  7. worst guild confirmed, just rejected the best magus world =(

    forgot to say jijiviado
    Edited: November 8, 2015

  8. i smell cumbek jk kitty worst ditcher srbja

  9. grills pls stop hurting my feelingz

  10. Bump! still aids forum xD
    merc out

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