1. Troll Shadow Priest bugged?

    I have an spriest troll race, some random person just told me that troll race is bugged for sp because of racial [Da Voodoo Shuffle]. Can please someone comfirm this? :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

    And if this is true...is the same for all classes?? Mages, hunters, shamans also are bugged in this race? :(

  2. You're implying the racial is bugged? Doesn't work or what? If it's about the racial, dude, you know you can check for yourself lal. Just use it and see what happens : /

  3. Spriest troll bugged

    Yes the mind flay of troll shadow priests is bugged. Unlike other races MF is supposed to do dmg 3 times but trolls do it only 2 times ... so I hope that it will get fixed in some time...

  4. Bugg continuous shadow troll pries?

    Bugg continuous shadow troll priest ?

  5. Bugg continuous shadow troll priest ?
    That's been fixed. Mind Flay still ticks only 2 times sometimes, but that happens to all races of spriests.

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