1. [Sargeras-Alliance] The Roleplaying Kingdom


    "Mankind has always reached far beyond limitation. Exploring the uncharted and building the means to do so. There will come a day when all lands become charted..all knowledge is known, all magics are decrypted, and man will be forced to relish in the cold world he built. Each war that necessitates machinations of the mad will bring him closer to this day. I fear this day has already come; when 'The World Needs Adventure..No Longer.'"

    - Lord-Commander Farin

    Through many ends of Azeroth have the characters of The Roleplaying Palace ventured. The Roleplaying Palace. was a guild active on the Cataclysm version of Sargeras for over two years. Following the recent purging to Molten's data at the hands of the villainous Hermes, the guild along with its precious characters have been erased. With the core of the guild still close-knit, we've decided to go ahead with a full resurrection of the long-standing Palace. To give way to a new beginning, I've decided to replace "Palace" with "Kingdom". Although it may seem pointless to some, it has a symbolic meaning.

    Through our history of Roleplay, we've definitely matured. Not only our characters, but our stories. The name symbolizes that change of pace and maturity. I hope The Roleplay Kingdom has a lot popularity and history than its predecessor and I hope to see many pass in and out.

    Guild Leader: Moltenia

    Story: The story will be set in a Mists of Pandaria time period. Pandaria will be fresh on the mind of the characters and completely unexplored to most, other than those who choose to roleplay Pandarens. The initial story will have no definite direction but will have a theme. The theme of the initial story is based around the 'Death of Adventure'; a world in which adventurous hearts are repressed in place of brawn as the war in Azeroth begins to heat up.
    Stories in the 'Kingdom' differ from the take most other guilds have on Roleplay. The guild's massive story is crafted by myself, ranging from an original concept, or one we'd like to adapt. These stories are separated into chapters which begin and end over an extended period of time. We do not insert lore from other works of fiction into the lore; we borrow and translate accordingly to withhold the canon lore to preserve the work. If you have any suggestions of lore tidbits you'd like to add in or would like to see included, comment in this thread or make a post on the guild wikia.

    Current Synopsis:"Garrosh Hellscream's supreme skills as a war tactician tests the mettle of King Varian Wrynn, and a massive game of chess commences on Azeroth. With regions bouncing back and forth between Alliance and Horde control, a fight begins to claim Pandaria for a single faction in hopes of gaining a massive advantage. However, the natives of the land and some ancient beings would have otherwise."

    Recruitment: Recruitment is rather simple. Simply ask my main, Moltenia, for an invitation when I'm online or use /who to find someone in the guild who is online. There really are no ranks in the Kingdom so that gives most the ability to invite others to the guild. Do not invite players whom have no intention to Roleplay and are just in the guild for the perks and social aspects. Every member must Roleplay to be considered an actual member. This is the only time ranks will play a part. There will be a rank dedicated for trial members who have yet to prove themselves either through a single RP session, or a telling of their intended character's identity.

  2. We're back!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to see that my guild is back up and running!

    Time to find my RP cap.

  3. Cool Moltenia!
    Was part of the Guild, but not very active (Broddoth).
    Unfortunately I am a Mac player so MOP is not completely possible yet...
    But when I have I would love to join again!
    Hope to see you there!

    Dorius (Nelt.)

  4. Nice nice! Good to see the rp is still "not dead" :)

    Is this guild already on, or you are still creating it? I just re-installed molten, and I'd like to rp like the old times, but dunno if there's anythoing now that the "molten-calypse" happened.

  5. Still here

    Still here!

    Just message Moltenia on Sarg. And you're set!

  6. Still here!

    Just message Moltenia on Sarg. And you're set!
    Awwww yeah! When I arrive home I'll see if I can contact her. Thanks a lot!

  7. When are you people usually online, in ST? I'd like to catch you up.

  8. Right now I'm with my monk Faether, dunno if anyone of the guild is on.

  9. asd

    Usually after dinner time somewhere, sometimes a bit later.

  10. Btw, you should post a RP schedule, or something.

  11. How active is this guild and what type of RP happens in it usually? Is it story RP or random encounters? Does it still do PVP or PVE in a RP manner or what?

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