1. iSullivan's Avatar
    Ok i got a question. Being able to repurchase it here means to GET it back just cause you had once paid for it (without paying again, which means that you get to get other goodies with the coins that you now are left with), OR being able to repurchase it without any restrictions applying. Both versions are BAD though.
    So unless it's free for everyone who had it (unlikely) it should probably be the price you originally got it with discounts.

  2. Btw guys is it possible to get Shadowmourne thought quest chain?

  3. Shadowmourne

    The people who blaming on Shadowmourne can't afford it thats why they blaming lol.
    Shadowmourne belongs to the game like Wrathful do, like some poor pants that cost 2 copper do.
    So please stop b*tching about Shadowmourne.

    Also Molten needs that donations, without us (donnors) there would not be any Molten.

    Conclusion: Shadomourne belongs to the game like everything else does.
    We are donating for it because we want to have fun in game & keep Molten alive.

    End of story :D

  4. Yes except Wrathful was everywhere on Retail and Smourne was rare.

  5. Yes except Wrathful was everywhere on Retail and Smourne was rare.
    People need to stop comparing this server to retail. It is not retail. If you want retail go play retail. The only way private servers can function is for donations. I don't think they should remove items from the game just because it is rare on retail. You also cannot play one patch for 5 years on retail.

  6. Nobody said that they should remove the items. And I would play on retail if it had WotLK.

    Just make some requirements that are normal, but don't allow people to get SM on accounts/chars made 10 minutes ago. Also it worked for Cata daggers, the requirements they had, didn't it? Why wouldn't something similar work on WotLK too?

  7. Thanks Molten for announcing this so late ......

  8. "Refunded coin reset date has been extended to 45 days" ... Does this mean bonus VOTE POINTS are getting wiped earlier? This needs to be made clear, because some legendaries might cost vote points too.
    I have the same doubt...

    what about the vote points? Do they also get a 15 days extension?

  9. Thanks Molten for announcing this so late ......
    Exactly my ****ing problem. All my coins have been used already.

  10. Exactly my ****ing problem. All my coins have been used already.
    The funny part about this, is that like everybody saw this comming except for you.

  11. Shadowmourne / coins

    Okay, so now that i have spent almost all my coins, now how am I supposed to get shadowmourne again, I have no way to get back all the gems/ enchants that i had collected since molten opened, on the ten characters that i had to level, and gear. I have no Shadowmourne even though i donated for 3, and now I have no idea if I should spend my few remaining coins, or save them for mabe 1 shadowmourne. If you think that only non-donors took a loss during all this , think again. I had 2 million gold, and over 30 epic BoE's i have saved and farmed for since this server opened.... I am glad i got a coin refund, but dang, I probably lost more than i can get back in 2 years of straight farming.:(

  12. I realy hoped server will go old good way back after this wipes at point it was 3y ago but now i see it will only go back the way after the point when shadowmurn were obtainable without requirements and for 60 coins. . Molten pls think again about requirements before you put sm back becouse we are at point we can have balanced server again or we can have shadowmurn plague again.

    Best regards

    Something like this would be good
    Just make some requirements that are normal, but don't allow people to get SM on accounts/chars made 10 minutes ago. Also it worked for Cata daggers, the requirements they had, didn't it? Why wouldn't something similar work on WotLK too?

  13. I have a question that no one has addressed. What does Coin Refund Reset mean? I spent my refunded coins for Dec 29th and back, but I just got some refunded coins from this past January through the ticket system. Are those coins going to be 'reset', as in deleted, come March 15th?

    Also, I had two shadowmourns which I was only able to purchase after reaching 40 days played on my dk. Am I going to A. Get my smourns back for free, B. Be able to repurchase them for the discount 50 coin price that I had, or C. Have to pay 150 coins for them?

    Overall, I just want to know (assuming I won't be getting my smourns for free) if I'll be able to hold on to the 73 coins I just got refunded through the support system for coins donated AFTER December 29th, or I should go ahead and spend those before the 'reset' and then prepare to donate again for my smourns.

  14. "allow characters that had spent coins on legendary items to re-purchase them once again according to their account history."

    This is quite good solution, however, after the coin reset I'd like to get back my 142 playedtime I earned so hard over 5 months.

  15. I have a question that no one has addressed. What does Coin Refund Reset mean? I spent my refunded coins for Dec 29th and back, but I just got some refunded coins from this past January through the ticket system. Are those coins going to be 'reset', as in deleted, come March 15th? .
    It's more like you never bothered to read. This has already been mentioned so many times. I'm repulsed by your laziness.

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