1. Ok,i have a problem and asking this here cause i don't want to bother the molten staff again.

    I was out of touch with molten in the last 3 weeks,when i recovered my account i understood that just the free 10-50 coins were taken back after a certain amount of time,not all the refunded coins,so i spent just 50 on every acc.I lost a pretty decent amount of coins few days ago, cause i didn't get to see that timer and I want to know if there is any chance i could have a second chance on using them.
    There may be more players in my situation and i don't know if it's fair or not to extend the time but if it shows me how much i lost i think it's possible to do that.
    My hopes are almost to zero,but i hope someboy will at least clarify with two things:why was a timer put on refund coins and if there is a second chance on using them.
    Thank you for your time.

  2. right there with you, i have a life and have been out of the country and havent been on for 30 days, I did know there would be coins removed but expecting just the free coins they gave to be removed and being allowed to keep what i donated for "give me a F**cking break PAID for" dumb a** loop holes, but come to find out ALL coins besides those not spent after THEY crash.... Why not be up front about this crap from the beggining....sigh... forget it im over it instead of looking forward to playing again every night its time to do what i should of done when this whole thing happened....LEFT FOR GOOD! I logged on tonight for 5 min and server seemed pretty damn dead so not missing much anyway.

  3. It was on front page from first day, that after wipe you will only have coins that you had on dec29 not all what you donated.
    So dont cry :)

  4. Really? People were told repeatedly that the coins would be wiped .... extended deadline twice to 45 and 55 days and added a timer to all accounts STILL you guys missed spending the coins?

  5. So, guys, help me to understand, i recovered my account, didnt use any coin or VP and the day of reset came and wipe all my coins down to 7, that was my credit before the debacle. Will i receive back my history coins? is around 200$ in coins since 2010, will i ? or im F up?

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